Quiet weekend before the holiday madness begins.
Saturday, our neighbors came over for a wok potluck. As one of them put it, "an American potluck is usually created in a Lutheran church basement and involves lots of hamburger, potatoes and cheese in a casserole to feed 24."
Well, it's a good thing we went the wok route since there was only seven of us. We had guacamole and chips, Vietnamese spring rolls, fried rice, stir-fried chicken with peppers, mushrooms and cashews, asparagus in a sesame dressing, baby bok choy with mushrooms, steamed snapper and jalapeno shrimp. For dessert we had wine, angel food cake with peaches, moon cake, amarula, wine and more wine. Everything was so yummy. It was worth the extra 10 points of flex. We had a fun moment when Mr. mouse tossed the jalapenos into the oil, the capsaicin got airborne and all of our sinuses were seared instantaneously clear.
I showed one of my neighbors the blog :)
We had another fun moment when one of them brought up the classic Monty Hall problem. They had a variant of it on Deal or No Deal. Of course, the answer is if given the option to switch at the end, always switch. Probability says you're better off switching. Well, we set out to try to explain the whole thing with three clear tupperware and a yam. Omigod, was it ever so funny. Lots of wine and club soda made for much merriment. Can you get drunk on club soda?
Sunday, we drove up to Little Sweden and got clogs. I bought two pairs; Mr. mouse special ordered one. I like them in the kitchen, the extra two inches makes a huge difference in shoulder strain when you're as short as I am.

The red ones actually have a leaf pattern punched into them, but I couldn't find a picture... Here's a pair in fawn, with the leaf pattern:

Eventually, the black pair will be for outdoor use and the red for indoor use. For now, the black pair are for the mouse house and the red pair for the mouse pad. I love them. They have boots too. I'm so tempted. Stop me now...
PS: Like gorgeous pictures of food? Read this article on Fall's Most Fattening Foods.
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