Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Clutter Control, Simplicity Part II

Dear Friends and Family,

Not a lot to write today. Still feeling the same. Sleeping more. Waiting on test results. Waiting on interview feedback.

Today is a good day to take stock of more ways to simplify my life. What's on this week's docket to make life less complex for Mr. mouse and me?

  1. I have a business trip to Orlando later this month. Was seriously toying with taking the Friday after the trip off and making a long weekend in the theme parks with Mr. mouse and a couple of my friends from Atlanta. But, decided not to. That's one more weekend of activities to plan, hotel and theme park tickets to purchase, travel arrangements for Mr. mouse, and too much at this point. The icing on the cake is Mr. mouse pointed out I can't ride and rides now with ye olde heart condition anyway. Done and done.
  2. I need to return the rest of my baseball playoff tickets. Total outlay, $35 + shipping and handling. Not bad for the real option value of the tickets. Still, good to be done with sweating those details.
  3. Old Navy... I went on a shopping expedition to Old Navy with a colleague at work. And, we bought a bunch of new clothes for me. Some of it isn't my style, but I bought it anyway. I am seriously tempted to return it. Why spend money on clothes I'm not going to wear? Time to return the stuff and be done with it.
  4. Hangers. I have a pile of plastic hangers from my recent shopping excursions and I don't use plastic hangers... A girlfriend told me she is short on plastic hangers. So, I need to dump those puppies all is a paper bag and bring them to work. Out of my life and into hers. Sounds like a good exchange of karma.
  5. Food. Need to simplify what I eat. Less packaged foods, more simple ingredients. The fake food needs to leave the house. After all, why should I have pre-made spaghetti sauce when I can make my own just as easily? How did a craving for Jell-O pudding get past my vigilant guard? Working on getting it all back under control. Must break this recent plateau, although I'm not really sweating the plateau yet. Just want to get the food back to the core food groups.

Hopefully, all of these things will, in the long run, make life less complex for me. Small steps, but progress nonetheless.


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