Thursday, October 05, 2006

Simplicity = Bliss

Dear Friends and Family,

Rise and shine, it's 3:45 in the morning. Cock a doodle doo.

Wow. My mind is reeling. It's way too early to be up.

I brought home work on Tuesday night, but procrastinated. I'll do it Wednesday before the game... Then, got worked up preparing Wednesday for my phone interview, figured burn the midnight oil and work Wednesday night. Well, a close girlfriend from Atlanta called last night, so here I am. Thursday morning, getting down to business.

More importantly, what to update you on? I feel a little constrained with the whole category thing to write about only one topic, making my job easier, later, when I need to go bin it into a category... At our conferences last week, a quote from one of the speakers really stuck with me:

"Simplicity is complexity resolved."

It's that simple. I've been thinking about it a lot. If simplicity is complexity resolved, then you can think of it in small baby steps. Each thing that simplifies life in a little way is a step in the right direction. Right now, our lives are amazingly complex. Mr. mouse and I take it a step further by living in two separate cities. But, I also tie ownership of "stuff" to complexity. Each thing you own needs to be accounted for, found a space for, used/accommodated/consumed, evaluated, maintained, etc. The list never ends.

I've been recently thinking a lot before buying anything. Anything I buy adds to my list of things I own. Yesterday, that manifested itself at Target in chocolate. Chocolate on sale... So tempted, but then the thought of one more thing in the house kinda grossed me out. So, didn't get the chocolate.

This is not an issue in the mouse house. Fortunately, we moved a lot of "stuff" to the mouse pad before putting it on the market. But, it is an issue in the mouse pad. I'm not there on a daily basis to contain the stuff and Mr. mouse is a pack rat. I wish he knew how much mental and emotional baggage carting around all the stuff we own is for me. To be able to toss or donate it all would be heaven for me. Maybe once I move there, it'll be easier to tackle.

And, the never-ending list of chores. With his crazy work schedule and being here half the weekends, nothing ever gets done at the mouse pad. So, that weighs on me too. All in all, life will be simpler and a lot less complex once we live together. And, I'm looking forward to it.

Keep your fingers crossed for us.


PS: (7:40 am update) decided to take action on my thoughts... (1) gave an unused router to our neighbors, (2)threw out some old Republic of Tea tea that I really didn't like, (3) tossed some old crackers lurking in the back of the cabinet, (4) folded up all of my old/too big pants for donation and (5) I'll think of something by end of day for (5).

PPS: (8:05 am update) (5) recycled the plastic cup I got at the game yesterday... I originally brought it home for Mr. mouse, but decided no, we don't need to add that to our collective "stuff." I'm feeling better already.

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