Sorry for the long radio silence. I didn't have access to a secure line on Friday morning so I couldn't write my entry for the day. That being said, I might hold until Wednesday before doing a full debrief... Thursday's interviews went okay, two went very well, one went okay. I'm reading into it that there are personalities that come into play. But, I might be wrong. We'll see... I have one more phone interview on Wednesday with the EVP. Will keep y'all posted.
I caught a flight to Austin on Thursday evening to visit ye olde orthodontist. Well, the whole thing turned into an ABSOLUTE debacle that ended in Mr. mouse buying me a last-minute one-way ticket home. End goal accomplished, but at a final tally of $400+. Fun. Fun. Will write more on this later this week. Boy, I have a ton of catch up posts. Patience.
Onto the weekend. Saturday, I slept in. I mean, I really slept in. Mr. mouse finally woke me. It was 10 minutes to 1 (in the afternoon). I could have slept longer if he didn't wake me. I guess my body needed it. Wow. So, most of Saturday was already accounted for by the time I woke up. After "morning tea" and "breakfast", it was already a little after two o'clock.
We spent the afternoon and evening doing stuff around the mouse pad.

We finished assembling the chair/settee set (two chairs, one settee) we bought off of eBay for the living room. We'll eventually swap them out for real furniture once we have time and money to do the room right. But, for now, they're great. We have seating. We also moved a ton of stuff downstairs into storage where it belonged. And, moved the TV upstairs. Mr. mouse has been watching TV for the past year and half on a portable DVD player which can now be just a just that, a portable DVD player.
Sunday, we flew back to the mouse house. We went out for Chinese for lunch. My love-hate affair with real Chinese food continues. It's so good, but sadly, has about 2 tbs of peanut oil in any given dish, definitely not Weight Watchers friendly. Solution? Decided to take Trixie's advice and go for a walk. It was absolutely gorgeous on Sunday. We walked to the lake, did a circuit and walked back for a good 90 minute walk. Felt a lot less guilt (and heft) from lunch after the walk.
Afterwards, we hit the mall to pick up the last of the pants alterations and a new top that came in. And, we couldn't resist. We bought a baseball jersey now that we're in the post-season. Mr. mouse and I got tired of sharing, so, we each have our own now.
And, that was the weekend.
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