Friday, October 13, 2006


Dear Friends and Family,

Good morning.

I'm a little frustrated with Weight Watchers. Or rather, I'm frustrated with my lack patience. When I dropped from 24 points a day to 22, the weight came off like mad for a couple of weeks before I steadied out to a pound a week. Now, going from 22 points a day to 20, nada. I've been the same weight for three weeks running...

I've got a couple of hypotheses. First, since I am now in the "less to lose" category, it will be a slower game and I need to adjust my expectations accordingly. Second, I've been sick and being sick always throws everything off and once I feel better things will hit their stride. Third, there was a plateau I hit about 10 pounds ago where my weight didn't change, but my body did, and this is what's going on again and I just need to be patient. Fourth theory, too much processed foods and I need to start eating more natural foods. Fifth theory, I had a couple of weeks of eating all of my points (regular, activity, flex) and I need to going back to just eating what my body needs. And, last but not least, sixth theory, I am not eating enough and I need to "shake it up a bit" with something like the Wendie Plan where you use a very jagged distribution of the flex points. Oh, and just thought of one more. Seventh theory, I need to do a better job of following the 8 Good Health Guidelines, not just about dairy but all of them.

So, how to test these hypotheses? Lord knows. A proper design of experiment using, say four weeks per effect, would take 20,160 weeks or about 380 years. A totally different issue might arise between now and year 2386... I guess there is no way of knowing for sure which of these theories holds true. Maybe I just need to be patient and as long as I'm not gaining, take each week as it comes...

C'est la vie.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

progress isn't just pounds. hang in there, find your health again first, and then see where you're at. book - happy to order it. i actually need to order a few things myself so I'll add it on. anything else you need? be well. xoxo