Thursday, October 12, 2006

Health Update

Dear Friends and Family,

Good morning.

Still taking it nice and easy. My heart/chest is feeling a little better. Still some discomfort, but the intensity is down from Saturday. And, yesterday, it went from a constant dull ache to an intermittent dull ache. I feel it this morning, but we'll see if it continues throughout the day.

On a positive note, it definitely hasn't gotten any worse.

Last night, I conquered a food quandry. I had five points left for dinner... I had lunch and then found out we were having lunch brought in for our meeting... I was intending on skipping lunch at the meeting, but our admin, bless her heart, knowing I am on Weight Watchers brought a special lunch just for me. So, being socially correct, I thanked her and had my two point soup. How sweet is she?

Which brings me to dinner... Five points and nothing coming to mind... Campbell's Chunky Chicken Noodle soup and a slice of toast? Lean Cuisine? Would work, but sounded too processed. Inspiration hit as I was walking to the car. Supermarket sushi. I got 6 pieces of sushi and 8 pieces of sashimi for dinner. Nice.

Good article in the New York Times on snacking. Trixie, any chance of convincing you to order the book for me from Amazon with your free shipping?

This morning, no caffeine after 6:30 and no food after 8:30 to prepare for my stress EKG. I find out all of the results next Monday, hopefully.


PS: Yesterday marked the end of our Indian Summer. We had our first snow flakes and the wind shook a lot of trees bare.

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