Monday, October 29, 2007

10.29.07: Little Cuba

Dear Friends and Family,

We had a quiet weekend in Miami with one of my childhood friends. She and her husband have two kids now. The older boy is turning four next spring and the younger boy is about 18 months old. It was a ton of fun playing with the older one. He's at an age when he wants to interact with people. The younger one is cute, but he's not really into strangers. He's kinda shy.

I flew down on Friday evening (didn't get as much done on the plane this time) and Mr. mouse flew down on Saturday afternoon. We spent the whole weekend at their house playing with the kids with the exception of Saturday night. Their friend offered to babysit, so we went out for a super nice dinner together. Okay, this will be my week of catching up on food posts. I promise. I think. Unless something more important comes up.

We flew back yesterday afternoon, drove home, and tried Puerto Rican food for dinner. Mr. mouse watched Game Four of the World Series while I snuggled on the couch. And, now, it's Monday morning.


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