Tuesday, October 30, 2007

10.30.07: Weekly Weigh In

Dear Friends and Family,

weigh in: 119

I overate my points again this week, and I was afraid to face the scale. With travel, I can't weigh myself daily, so there's more of a surprise element on weigh in day. My guess is I'm not going to get much pity for my up a pound, down a pound perturbations especially since I ate 24 points + 35 flex + 14 extra last week.

I did do a better job last week of not eating the snacky, munchie, junky candy. In fact, I battled it out with myself yesterday when the mini Snickers bars were sitting in the middle of the table. Where'd the extra points come from? I know exactly where my extra points came from this week. I was craving bread. I ate 19 points of bread and butter compliments of the bread baskets at all of the restaurants we've been to.

My goal for this week? Avoid the Halloween candy. Count every bite, lick and taste. Be aware of the bread basket. And, last but not least, stay within my 24 point allotment. It's for a lifetime.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

way to go mouse - all you can do is dig in and start again. but at some point, if this is really for a lifetime, you're going to have to trust your judgement. trust your body to eat what you need to eat (I think bread counts...snickers...well, if it's pms then eat the little suckers!) and make the little adjustments when the scale starts moving too far in either direction. you're right: one lb up or down isn't a biggie, but you have to live with this program and live with yourself. do whatever feels right for you. xoxoxo