Friday, October 26, 2007

Free Pre-Natal Counseling

Dear Friends and Family,

I called one of my best friends today. She's my roommate from college. And, she's an ob/gyn. We had been playing phone tag for a couple of weeks now. It's funny, I was afraid she was going to be busy when I called. And, she didn't call today because she assumed I was at work.

She offered me a free pre-natal counseling session, which I obviously took her up on. Basically, she thinks I'm in great health. Her biggest piece of advice is that I should relax and have fun with all of this - that stress wreaks havoc on it all.

If I want to get a doctor's appointment, I can, but it's not a prerequisite. And, if I want to see an ob/gyn, I can, but it's not a prerequisite either. The vitamins I'm taking now sound fine to her. And, once we're pregnant, we can switch to a pre-natal formulation. I should continue taking my fish oil, but cut it down to one per day vs. two. And, I need to make sure I'm getting my calcium and my iron - Tums and dark leafy green vegetables, yeah! I don't have to worry about gestational diabetes for the first trimester. After that, I need to watch my carbohydrates. And, a bunch of other stuff.

I feel a lot better now. But, I'm still ticked off at Mr. mouse. We'll see where we land on all this. For now, it's still a maybe. I'd give it a one in five chance, if I were a betting man.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

oh mousie - sorry I missed all of this on friday. sounds like your little brain has been busy. i completely understand where you are with things; this is NOT a solitary endeavor. but don't give up on yourself or your husband so easily. for as much as this is an emotional roller coaster for you, i'm guessing it is for him too. this is a BIG DEAL for your lives and maybe it's just going to take longer than 1-2 months for everyone to get their head around the idea. i'm worried about getting caught up in time limits and such already when you haven't even started technially "trying." this is one of those mysterious processes that tend to happen on their own timeframe, if you can be open to it. focus on YOU mousie and dig deep. what is it that you really want out of all of this?
