Wednesday, May 02, 2007

It's Official, New Job for Mr. mouse

Dear Friends and Family,

Mr. mouse met with his new boss yesterday, and it's official. He'll be starting in the new job almost immediately. They just need to work out the announcement and transition plans. No dillydallying here, folks.

Mr. mouse seems to be excited about the new job. There's no doubt, he'll miss the old job and the people he worked with. But, overall, he's a lot more positive about the new position than he was Monday night. I guess he's got a lot more visibility into the role after meeting with his new boss.

For now, we'll see how it all plays out. If he does enjoy it, great. If he doesn't enjoy it, we'll go from there. I stressed a bit about it all yesterday, but my coping mechanisms are coming into play. We've faced worse and made it through okay. So, we'll be fine, come what may.


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