Wednesday, May 16, 2007

One Down, One Million More to Go

Dear Friends and Family,

Yesterday turned out to be a great day.
  1. I lost 1.5 lbs, finally.
  2. My friend's visa ap jumped forward almost a year.
  3. We've saved up six months worth of expenses again after depleting our reserves to modify our house loan.
  4. We made our first non-IRA investment payment.
Although all good milestones, the last is the one I'm most proud of. We've always tried to be frugal with the greenbacks. But, most of the cash over the past ~15 years has been towards credit card re-payment, student loans, car loans, house payments (our first house, the mouse house, the mouse pad), 401k, IRA, employee stock purchase plan, and last but not least, saving up one year's worth of living expenses since that gives us the flexibility to do our own thing if we want to or need to.

But, yesterday, finally, we made our first check to our financial planner for nothing more than to save and invest. It's not tax deferred. And, it'll be invested in none to glamorous mutual funds in a balanced portfolio. But, it's a start towards wealth accumulation that's been a long time in the making. Mr. mouse and I decided we would take the longer approach with the mouse pad to have the cash flow to invest.

I gotta say, it feels good.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

way to go mouse! that's a huuuuuuge accomplishment - I am glad you recognize that and celebrate it. you SHOULD be very proud of your smart little selves! xoxoxox