Thursday, May 10, 2007

Refocused Mouse

Dear Friends and Family,

I've come to accept, maybe, that my current weight might end up being my maintenance weight. I'll stay on my 18 points a day and my 35 flex points a week, but I want to start thinking about other health aspects.

For starters, I think I've slipped back into a carbohydrate laden diet again. So, I'm going to try to limit my carbs at lunch and try to get more high quality proteins in. My target is 60 grams of protein a day, which is more than what I've been getting recently. Yesterday, I had a chef's salad sans cheese with two steamed chicken dumplings. It kept me full, but didn't give me a ton of excess energy at the gym. That's something else I need to figure out.

But, for now, I'll take a focused, semi-disciplined approach to limiting the carbs at lunch and I'll see where that goes.


PS: Mr. mouse is all better now.

1 comment:

Trixie said...

mousie - you've done so well, don't forget how far you've come! you look amazing and I personally don't think another 9 pounds is going to matter on your tiny frame - it's all about feeling good in your skin. I think you have a good plan in place and the attention you pay to the nuances (different types of workouts, eating more protein, etc) will keep you focused without being crazed. Keep up the good - and inspiring - work! xoxoxox