Thursday, May 24, 2007

Servino Ristorante

Dear Friends and Family,

Lunch with two young children and their parents, always an exercise in keeping them entertained, getting them fed and getting some food to eat yourself. With four adults, you're success rate skyrockets in getting all three accomplished.

Tiburon was filled to the gills when we went, because, unbeknownst to us, there was a wine festival planned for Saturday afternoon in Tiburon. Fortunately, Servino didn't have a wait and could seat us on the outdoor patio. I ordered the pollo al forno, a roast half chicken with a mushroom gravy. It comes mashed potatoes and roasted red peppers. Mr. mouse ordered the sausage pizza. Both were good, but in the end, I'd rate it as standard Italian, a notch above chain Italian, but not a destination restaurant.

Overall rating: 7/10

Servino Ristorante
9 Main Street
Tiburon, CA 94920 map it
(415) 435-2676


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