Thursday, May 17, 2007

Sister Update

Dear Friends and Family,

It's been awhile since the last update on the sister situation.

She's going through with the divorce. All in all, I think it's a positive thing. She seems happy and relieved now that they're in the final stages of negotiations. I guess there was a lot wrong in the marriage that I didn't have visibility to. She's seeing a counselor/therapist and that's helping a lot. She's doing well in her classes. She's remained upbeat throughout the whole thing, all things considered. And, she's relied mostly on herself and her friends to see her through the emotional ups and downs.

But... And, you knew there was a but coming...

Things are still very awkward in the mouse household over all of this. Mr. mouse is still not on speaking terms with my sister. He wants nothing to do with any of it whatsoever. From his point of view, she has a history of ups and downs and this is just one more up that'll inevitably be followed by one more down. He gets a sour look whenever I'm on the phone with her that puts me in a very awkward position.

Me. Where's my head on all of this? I detest when she calls me at work. I'm at work for crying out loud! But, I'm worried it's something critical. Like he got violent and she's calling for help. So, I answer. No, she's calling to say she got an A on her chemistry final. Just to be clear, that does not deserve a phone call at work. Then she wants to chat. I guess from her standpoint, it's time that's less awkward because Mr. mouse not likely to be at my work. But, that's not a routine I want to establish. Other people, I feel like I can hang up if things get busy and they take it for what it is. My sister, I feel like she reads too much into it.

I'm torn on the whole issue. She's someone I'm close to, for better or for worse. But, Mr. mouse is someone I'm close to, as well, for better or for worse. I feel trapped in the middle and I resent that feeling. I don't have a huge desire to jump in and declare her my new best friend. But, I don't feel like I need to be sneaking phone calls in behind his back. I'm going to have to find a solution to all of this, but for now, it is what it is.



Trixie said...

love the new label! sorry that you're having to deal with all of this...but it does sound like you need to level with both of them and let them know what you need. Peace at work. Not feeling like a traitor for taking a call at home. He doesn't have to approve, just needs to provide some space & save the guilt trips. She needs support. Your support. Now. This is tough stuff. But she doesn't need to trample on your work time.

But it's up to you to ask for what you need. You don't have to declare your allegiance to either one of them (you've already done that). They need to love & respect you in this situation as much as you're trying to love & respect them.

Hang in there darling girl. xoxoxxo

Sara said...

I know what it's like to be in the middle. Since Mr Mouse is more reasonable than your sister, maybe you could tell him what you wrote in your blog. I think it perfectly expresses your frustration. It sounds like Mr Mouse has strong resentment feelings towards your sister. Maybe getting to the root of it (besides the obvious character flaws he sees in your sister) may help. In any case, I understand and I got yours and Mr Mouse's back.