Thursday, January 24, 2008

01.24.08: Enjoying Life

Dear Friends and Family,

I feel a little guilty writing this. But, January's been kinda nice. I'm 95% certain we're not pregnant. And, as a result, I can eat what I want (e.g. sushi) and drink I want (e.g. coffee) and have sex when we want (vs. when the calendar tells us we should) and take medication when I want (e.g. Advil) and not have to worry and ponder and calculate and everything.

I've seen morning sickness firsthand. And, it's not a pretty picture. And, having had a bout of vomiting recently with the stomach flu thing, I'm not sure I want to experience it on a continual basis.

It's just been kinda nice to be carefree and me and not have baby in the foreground loop this month. Maybe we've been approaching this all wrong.


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