Thursday, January 03, 2008

Diagnosis: Syncope

Dear Friends and Family,

Still wasn't feeling well yesterday after my fall on Tuesday, so I went to the hospital. And, the official diagnosis was syncope. It took them about 15 seconds to diagnose me and then about 4 hours to test and release me. My CAT scan looked okay so I guess I didn't do any permanent damage to the old noggin. And, the EKG looked good so I guess they were able to rule out heart conditions as one of potential causes. Which leaves me with take ibuprofen/acetaminophen every 6 hours until the swelling (in the head and on the body) goes down.

Other things to think about:
  1. getting up slowly from bed
  2. staying hydrated
  3. keeping the electrolytes and salts up
  4. getting enough iron and potassium
  5. going cold turkey on the alcohol
  6. sleeping in a cooler room
All things that are good for my health in general. Apparently, syncope can get worse as you get older and can get worse if you get pregnant. I guess I'd better get my act together and figure it out now.

So, after getting a burger and fries last night for dinner, I'm going uber-detox today. I'm eating only food (no "food") and I'm getting my 8 Good Health Guidelines in. Then, I'll take it a day at a time from there.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

holy hell - I read your recap and thought I had the news...didn't even see the post about your fall. my goodness, I'm glad to know you're ok. take it easy sister. and keep me posted. xoxoxo