Sunday, January 27, 2008

01.27.08: Pre-Conception Counseling

Dear Friends and Family,

Mr. mouse and I went in Friday afternoon for a visit with an ob/gyn for "pre-conception counseling." Basically, not a lot of new news.
  • They took 2 vials of blood. One to check for some genetic disorder. One to check for chicken pox anti-bodies.
  • They gave us a bunch of samples of pre-natal vitamins. After comparing them to my current vitamins, I've decided to continue taking my Canyon Ranch until we conceive. Then we'll make the switch to pre-natals.
  • We should "try" for six months. Then check back in.
  • They'll do a gestational diabetes test early on me since type II runs in the family.
  • I need to schedule an annual exam. I'm due.


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