Thursday, January 17, 2008

Tickets and Fines and More Stuff to Do

Dear Friends and Family,

It's been a fun week for us, vehicular fines-wise. Mr. mouse got a ticket for an expired registration last Thursday. And, I received a letter in the mail, over the weekend, with $100 in fines for going through the auto-pay lane on the tollways without an auto-pay device. If either of us was guilty of the crime we'd supposedly committed, we'd be okay with paying, but we're not.

Mr. mouse and I sent in our registration payments together. I got my sticker, he didn't get his. I have an auto-pay device. If I didn't, I'd be racking up $20 a week in fines for much more than the $100 they sent me a bill for. So, now, we've both got to take the time and effort to figure out what the %$#@! we've got to do to fix both of these situations.

I've got a simple solution. Sell my car. I take the train three days a week to work. I work from home one day. Mr. mouse and I carpool one day. We don't need two cars. That way, his car wouldn't be on the streets collecting tickets and my car wouldn't be using the alternate auto-pay device that's harder to provide backup info on (EZ-Pass vs I-PASS). Then, both of these situations wouldn't have occurred.

That might be on our to do list post party.
  1. Sell my car.
  2. Unplug the extra fridge.
  3. Research tankless hot water heaters.
  4. Taxes.
  5. Finish data transfers.
It's good we don't have anything planned for February.


PS: Still felt crummy yesterday afternoon. But, hopefully today goes without incident.

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