Tuesday, January 01, 2008

New Year's Resolution

Dear Friends and Family,

It's ten minutes to three and I've just gotten out of bed. We went out for a quick cocktail that turned into two cocktails, two appetizers, two desserts, one more cocktail, and then free-for-all champagne and dancing.

I got up this morning and made it as far as the bathroom before resolving to... and that's where Mr. mouse found me, passed out cold, unsure which body part took the brunt of the fall. He heard two loud thunks followed by one monster thunk. I don't remember any of it. I tried to get up. I passsed out again. I realized I've been here before. This is what happened the last time when I donated blood.

I finished up in the bathroom and made it back into bed. Mr. mouse got me a cold compress for my neck/chest which helped when I passed out in February. I slept. I drank a bowl of soup. I slept some more. And, here I am.

My new year's resolution: no more than 1 glass of wine or 1 cocktail a day. I'm tempted to say no more alcohol. But, I'm not sure if that'll stick. I'll just take it a day at a time and see how it goes.


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