Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Bleakest Hour

Dear Friends and Family,

Another whine and cheese post about me being down. Sorry to drag you through the quagmire that is my life now.

It's damn cold out. By my calculations, this should be the last bad one (sub 20° without the wind chill, if you want MY official definition of cold, sub 5° without the wind + wind, qualifies as damn cold) before winter breaks. It should be, but it might not be. It needs to be. I feel like I'm losing my mind.

Work has turned more political. There's a lot of jockeying going on. And, frankly, I'm not enjoying that right now. We're supposed to be super busy on this super important project. But, really, I feel like a pawn being played between a couple of disinterested players. I hope the situation rights itself soon because when it's not fun, it ceases to be something I'm interested in and merely becomes work.

Hormones. When they hit, they hit with a vengeance. And, it's "that" week. So, whatever I'm feeling, it's magnified by the fact that my body takes my mind on a roller coaster loop-de-loop spinning teacup whirlwind this time of the month. And, it, frankly, sucks.

The commute. Here was my typical week. Mon, I would take mass trans. Tues, I would take mass trans. Wed, Mr. mouse and I would carpool. We would go out to dinner after work. Thurs, would be more mass trans. And, Fri, I'd work from home. Lately, Mr. mouse's Wed meetings have been canceled, so I've been doing the mass trans thing on Wed. And, because of a bunch of random reasons, I've ended up in the office on Fridays. That takes it from three days of mass transit to five. That, plus the fact that it's been fraught with problems recently, has added to my stress.

I miss my friend. Sometimes work was harder for having to work with her, but, I miss having someone to talk to and the days seem longer in the office without her. Morale's been lower on the team, but it's not palpable. It's more subliminal and subconscious. And, I haven't gotten accustomed to not having her in the office.

And, that, my friends, is five reasons why I'm feeling down and out today. Hopefully, if I can make it through today, the worst of the weather will be behind us. Then, if I can make it through the next week, the worst of the hormones will be over and done with as well. Then, I'm tackling three things and not five. And, it won't seem as insurmountable.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

Oh mouse - I'm so sorry to hear this. I don't know how it would make you feel ANY better but I'm perfectly, 100% right with you. I don't have the transit issue (unless you count my regular jaunts to DC), but I completely understand the rest. If nothing else, you have a compadre. xoxoxox