Thursday, February 28, 2008

Budget Update - February

Dear Friends and Family,

February was a surprisingly easy month. Well, I take that back. I went over by $30, so I'm not sure I deserve any pats on the back quite yet. But, I spent $260 on clothes, $25 on gifts in the office, and $20 in charitable contributions. Given that, February was a surprisingly easy month.

Unfortunately, there's a reason it was so easy. No haircut. That's $125 I saved. Since I get my haircut every six weeks, there are months without one. I can't imagine switching hair cutters. I've been with mine for over 10 years now. But, he was $35 when I started. And, now, well, not so much. It's all choices I make. I guess.

March will be tough. It's a five week month. And, I'll have to rein in the spending from February. This is good. I feel like I'm learning financial discipline. And, I'm not sure if I feel like I'm missing anything I've given up.

Outlet Shopping - clothes260.23
Lunches at Work43.88
Train Pass31.50
Junior Achievement contributions20.00
Work - misc (gifts, etc.)24.99
Weight Watchers16.95
Water brush9.99
Snacks, Coffee, Soda, etc.8.07
Toothbrush Holder4.36
Shared Ride Home-15.00


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