Thursday, February 07, 2008

Surprise House Guest

Dear Friends and Family,

We had a surprise house guest last night. Our friend, CAR, was headed back from France. But, with the weather we had last night, she missed her connection and then the later flights canceled.

We went out for sushi. And, then, over to Spring for dessert. We came back pretty early and turned in pretty early. I was beat from a bunch of consecutive late nights. And, CAR was coming off a trans-Atlantic flight. We all needed our Zzz's.

CAR is thinking green and sustainable too. But, on a much bigger scale than me. There's trying to change a lot to one household's impact on the environment (i.e. us and our action plan). Then there's trying to change a little to many households' impact on the environment (e.g. through better design). For now, I'll continue to do the little things I can to make the world a better place.

Maybe one day, some day, when I'm ready for my next big change, I'll think about I want to do different, career-wise. Sadly, it's probably about 6-8 years from now. But, you never know, things can change all the time. Maybe it'll be sooner rather than later. We'll see.


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