Monday, July 13, 2009

07.13.09: Two Month Birthday

Dear Friends and Family,

My sister and brother-in-law came over for a low key weekend.

Saturday, Mr. mouse picked up the mail, I got a manicure, we celebrated Pioneer's two month birthday with cupcakes, we bathed Pioneer, and Mr. mouse and I went out to dinner while my sister and brother-in-law played with P. They joined us for dessert and we walked home afterward.

Sunday, Mr. mouse and I took Pioneer in for her two month check-up. She's doing well growth-wise. Ms. Kate Moss continues to be 50th percentile height and head with a 10th percentile weight measurement. She got two shoots and one oral vaccine. And, we filled a scrip for Zantac. The doctor thinks P has acid reflux and that's what's been causing all of the fussiness, crying, etc. We're going to give the Zantac a shot to see if it makes her happier and by extension me happier.

What's new with Pioneer?

Her hair continues to grow in like a bed of weeds. She's grown 2 inches. We've switched to weekly weigh ins on the big scale. She's addicted to her pacifier. She sleeps from ~11 to ~5 every day. She naps until ~10/11 and then plays for an hour. Then, she naps again until ~3 and then plays until she goes to sleep at night. I've been trying to train her to sleep on her own, but I'll admit there are times I still like to hold her to sleep. She eats between 6 and 7 times a day, although this morning was a mess. And, she's doing lots more cooing and smiling now. They say it keeps getting better. I keep saying I'm completely happy with it the way it is. It keeps getting better. I keep loving it more.

It is nice to have 3+ hour stretches between feedings to allow us to go out and get food ourselves. And, it is nice to have the crazy crying reduced - there's nothing like non-stop crying to cause a parent to drink or to fall down the stairs...

Speaking of which, my ankle is still mending. I've still got bruising and I've still got swelling. I can make it up the stairs without too much difficulty now, but going down is still tough. I think I may see a specialist when I get the chance to see if I did any permanent damage. Mr. mouse thinks there's a 80% chance I'll need a second round of surgery. I'm pegging it at 40% chance. Sigh.

Over dinner, we were talking about my leave. It hasn't been what I imagined. It went a lot quicker than I thought it would. Most of my time has been dedicated to feeding Pioneer. And, just when I have four weeks on my own to do my thing with P, my car gets clipped and I sprain my ankle essentially leaving us housebound. I've got this week and two more weeks and then we're off to daycare and work.

Perhaps I'll take a week off in the fall to make up for it.


PS: My sister pointed out that the reason P may love chicken parm is because it's one of first meals I had (lunch day 2) post partum.

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