Friday, July 24, 2009

Day 9 with Pioneer

Dear Friends and Family,

We went to daycare yesterday to meet Pioneer's teachers and to drop off some stuff. We went over Pioneer's reflux routines, her habits and other miscellanea with Kathleen and Amanda.

I'm still apprehensive. Right now, we have so much "data" on Pioneer since we see everything first hand. And, we have so much "control" since we make all of the decisions and execute against them. And, we have so much of the "experience" since we're with her seven days a week. And, we'll be letting all of that go. Somehow, I get the feeling this is rougher on the parents than it is on the child. Sigh.

We came home after our daycare visit and Pioneer ate lunch. Then, I ate lunch. Then, we both napped the afternoon away. She had her late afternoon snack and then we spent the remainder of the time listening to Human by The Killers until Mr. mouse came home. He gave her a bottle and put her down. She slept while we ate dinner and then she had her late evening feeding before turning in for the night.

She woke again at 2AM - this is the third night in a row. I wonder if it's something we should expect going forward. Guess we'll see tonight.

For now, I need to constantly remind myself that I need to focus on what's in my control and let go of what's outside of my control. Plenty of kids do perfectly fine in daycare. And, I'm sure both Pioneer and I will adjust to the new routine once we give it a chance. For now, I've still got one more week and a day to enjoy.


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