Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Day 7 with Pioneer

Dear Friends and Family,

In the continuing saga from Monday, Pioneer woke off schedule and stayed off schedule for the whole morning. It was like everything was happening in micro-segments. She'd eat for shorter periods and then play for shorter periods and then sleep for shorter periods. Then, repeat. I didn't get a shower in. And, I had a half completed blog post when Mr. mouse got home.

We did have interesting play time. Pioneer and I have been having conversations and yesterday's was pretty structured. I'd say something and then instead of going off on a monologue, I'd pause and wait... and she'd say something. Then, I'd say something and wait... and she'd say something. Too much fun!

By mid-afternoon, I had given up all hope of getting back on schedule. And, I was exhausted from the extra night feeding and the morning so I lay the two of down for an afternoon nap. We woke at 3:30/4:00 still not quite feeling on the ball. The afternoon continued with her fussy and me tired. And, by 5 it reached a climax and a lightbulb went off in my head. I've been here before!

I reached for the Maalox and poured out a teaspoon (the doctor said to continue to use it as needed so it's not like I'm home medicating my child here) and gave it to Pioneer. It soothed her immediately. And, shortly thereafter, she fell asleep in my arms. She slept for a little over an hour (her longest real nap of the day) and then woke, passed a fair bit of gas (EXCELLENT), and started crying. Hunger.

I made her bottle, added her vitamin and her Zantac and fed her. Giant burp (EXCELLENT). Poopy diaper (EXCELLENT). Mr. mouse came home and finished the last ounce of her bottle, changed her and got three more good burps out of her (EXCELLENT). And, after that it was like she was a brand new baby - happy, shiny, alert, and wanting to play.

I showed Mr. mouse her new found talking skills. And, then, I finished my blog and showered while Mr. mouse took some pictures of Pioneer. We finished it off by taking some pictures with her and she finished it off by peeing in my arms (sans diaper) and then falling asleep. Back on schedule!

We ate dinner and then woke her for her 10:30 feeding (to stay on schedule) and turned in for the night. She woke at 2:30 for a topper and then at 5:30 (back on schedule) for her first real feeding. She's asleep now and I'm using the time to do my morning things - coffee, blog, assemble pumping supplies, assemble morning medicine dosage, camera up, garbage down, eat breakfast, make lunch, and shower (not in that order).


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