Saturday, July 25, 2009

Day 10 with Pioneer

Dear Friends and Family,

I know, it's Saturday. But, if I don't post now then my Monday will be off because I'll need to do the weekend recap and this post. So, I figured I'd do Friday now to stay on track.

Let's see, we took a walk after the noon feeding - this time to return library books and to walk the streets of the neighborhood. It's not as quiet as my 5K route, but I wanted a change of pace and P slept through it all anyway so I don't think she cared.

Some changes this week:

Pioneer prefers to sit upright by herself (propped up, of course) to being held. She continues to like to be held and walked - but only if you hold her head above your shoulder so she can see behind you.

She's gotten to be a pro at the conversation game - I say something she makes some baby noise back. I've even noticed a difference in her response based on whether I make a comment or ask a question. I guess she's responding to my tone of voice. She still wriggles and waves a lot to work up the energy to respond which only makes the whole thing that much cuter.

And, out of nowhere, she displayed some phenomenal head control on Friday. I'd call it baby cobra if I were a yoga instructor. It's too cute for words since her head is #1. ginormous compared to her body (size-wise) and #2. probably weighs more than the rest of her combined (weight-wise). It also highlights how skinny her poor neck is.

On the medication front, we had five fussy evenings in a row and I am of the belief that we should take her in to get her weighed to check her dosage. This is beginning to remind me of my own bouts with hyperthyroidism. Reflux isn't a YES/NO switch - well, it is a YES/NO switch in that you have it or you don't. But, if you have it, there's degrees of reflux from not so bad to very bad. And, the medication needs to be constantly adjusted to keep it from getting very bad.

The problem is that it creeps along the scale and the need for adjustment creeps up on you and you're not sure if it's just a bad day or the medicine or what. Well, either way, I'm going to call the office today about bringing her in and checking. I love that her office has weekend hours.

Well, off to get my weekend started. See you Monday.


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