Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Day 1 with Pioneer

Dear Friends and Family,

Since I've only got three solid weeks with Pioneer, I'll be writing about each day for the next fifteen posts.

Yesterday, she fell asleep in my arms and we slept together until around 10. Then, it was cluster feed central while I tried to figure out if it was the vaccine or the zantac setting her off schedule. After awhile, I succumbed and offered her the pacifier and we played until noon.

Then, she slept a piece of the afternoon. At three, she ate again and then we attempted a walk. We went out for 40 minutes, she cried about 15 of it. We came home, and I let her decompress on our bed, on her belly, with the pacifier. It was major "comfort sucking" for her along with startling and finding it reassuring that the bed was there.

When she awoke, we played pass the baby while making and eating dinner. Then we fed her and all piled in the car to go to Mr. mouse's haircut so that his haircutter could meet Pioneer. She was alert and happy for the first 15 minutes and then fell asleep in my arms for the rest of the cut. As a result, she woke with a diaper when we went to put her in her car seat (aka safety pod). She cried most of the way home and then Mr. mouse comforted her until just before 10 when I finally caved and fed her.

She slept until 3:30 this morning.


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