Monday, July 20, 2009

Day 5 with Pioneer

Dear Friends and Family,

What'd we do on Friday? More of the same. There's a cycle of sleep, change, eat, hold, play, sleep that Pioneer's fallen into. And, for me, the cycle is comforting. We change up the play (read, talk, mirror, reach, swing etc.) and we change up the hold (on bed, tour the house, deck, dance, etc.) and we change up the sleep (in bed, in green chair, on couch, etc.) but overall, it's feeling manageable. Some of it is the amazing day-by-day development and some of it is the Zantac and some of it is the pacifier. Not sure what to attribute to what... all I know is I like it.

I know I've been bemoaning how quickly the time has been going. But, now that we've settled into a routine, oddly, I'm more okay with going back to work. I see that although she's growing more and more each day I also see that the lightening quick growth of the first two months has tapered into something more sustainable, albeit still quicker than I want. I see that time with Pioneer would continue on this routine and while I'm enjoying it, doing it 2 days a week vs. 7 days a week is okay with me. So, I'm going to make the most of my remaining 2 weeks on leave. Then, I'll turn the page to the next chapter of our lives and continue to explore it all.

Some notes, she's been suffering from dry scalp. Today, I brushed her hair and a ton of flakes fell out. The nurse said it's cosmetic so we'll just wait it out. And, her skin has been drying and toughening, it's still baby skin, but it's not newborn skin anymore. What else? Lots of smiles. She's beginning to drool. And, her cries are becoming more distinct - generally they're a signal - please transition me to my next phase (see cycle above).


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