Monday, July 27, 2009

07.27.09: Prepping for Work

Dear Friends and Family,

One more week until I go back to work. This weekend was spent getting ready for the transition back to work. Well, and it was spent doing the things we need to do to take care of a two and a half month old, of course.

Saturday morning, after a week of "fussy" evenings we called the doctor's office to check if Pioneer needed an adjustment in her medication. And, because life wouldn't be complete without a bad weigh-in, she had one. Not only does her medication not need to be adjusted, but we're on the more frequent weigh in track AGAIN. So, instead of just living life as we know it between now and her four month weigh-in like NORMAL people would, we're scheduled for a two week follow-up. Honestly, I think her weight gain's fine. There's normal variation, and, as luck would have it doctor variation as well. I'm thinking of striking this one from the list.

From the doctor's office, we decided, impromptu, to go and pick up our package. As luck would have it, one arrived on Thursday afternoon, right after we checked the mail. This is becoming hassle central and I'll be glad once I start work again so I can check for mail on the way home. And, once the package stream dies down.

Package pick up turned into lunch which turned into clothes shopping (since my pre-maternity work clothes don't fit, and it was the dead of winter the last time I was this size) which turned into a blood donation for Mr. mouse (don't ask, when the urge strikes, you go with it, I guess) which turned into a Target run and an outlet run for one last batch of clothes. Needless to say, we were "winging it." But, it felt good to get a lot of it done instead of waiting until Sunday to do it.

Sunday, Mr. mouse let me sleep in - until noon. It felt heavenly. Unfortunately, Pioneer didn't have as much luck. She had some good play time with Mr. mouse. But, she didn't have good nap time - not for lack of trying. She just couldn't hit that tipping point that transitions from awake to asleep. The afternoon was spent trying to get her down. And, when we finally gave up and dosed her at 7PM with some good old Maalox, she went down until 4AM this morning. Poor girl needed the sleep SO bad.

In the queue for mail this week: pants for work, pre-natal vitamins and iron on labels for daycare. Oh, and a box to return our computer in. That was the package that came in on Thursday. We booted it up Sunday morning only to learn that it's missing a hard drive. Now, I don't need a large hard drive since we store all of our stuff centrally, but some hard drive is needed for things like, oh I don't know, my OS.

Pioneer's sleeping now. One last week. Gotta enjoy it while I can.


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