Friday, July 17, 2009

Day 4 with Pioneer

Dear Friends and Family,

There was a sweet justice to yesterday. Pioneer is usually an angel in Mr. mouse's arms and a mixed bag in mine. Yesterday, Mr. mouse drew the short straw and had a fussy morning and squirmy evening while I had a mostly happy baby all day.

She slept most of the morning. Then, we played again, more talking, books, mirror and reaching for toy time. She waited patiently in the swing while I ate lunch. And, then we napped away the afternoon. She didn't want to nap, but I took her to her room, sat in Green Chair with her, and put her blanket over her head to block out distractions. She was asleep within 15 minutes.

Unfortunately, we slept a little too long and she was ravenous when she awoke. She couldn't get to food fast enough. I was comical watching her latch - her eagerness only too apparent.

Then, we played and I caught up on some TV while she had her late afternoon feeding.

I made dinner while Mr. mouse coped with some early evening fussiness. She went down early and I iced my ankle while Mr. mouse did a Target run. Ideally, she should have eaten one more time before the day was out (she only had 5 feedings yesterday), but Mr. mouse was loathe to wake a sleeping baby so we let her go until 1:30 when she awoke for her late night meal. She was up for a little bit but fell asleep on her own.

This morning, we had a nice cooing conversation and I remarked how her eyebrows are coming in. She's looking more and more like my brother nowadays.

It's Friday, and I have to say I've enjoyed the Zantac week with her. I haven't had the crying without end. We've had fun playtime. And, with a slow down in the visitor caravan, we've fallen into a bit of a routine. I'm looking forward to the next two weeks.


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