Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Day 6 with Pioneer

Dear Friends and Family,

Everyone knows to:
  1. never wake a sleeping baby
  2. never say never
Therefore, sometimes it's in everyone's best interest to wake a sleeping baby.


Pioneer went down at 1:30 for nap #2 of 3. Usually she sleeps until around 3:30 and gets up to eat and play. Yesterday, 3:30 came and went and I figured she was tired from the travel. 3:45 came and went. 4:00 came and went. 4:30 came and went. 5:00 came and went. 5:10 she woke up. And, she's been off kilter since.

We had three cluster feeds followed by cranky baby. We got her down, but instead of sleeping through until around 5AM, she awoke at 11PM for a midnight snack. Then, she awoke again around 3AM for breakfast.

I know it feels criminal to wake a sleeping baby, but I may in the future if it means we get to sleep through the night and stay on some sort of schedule.


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