Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Expectation Management

Dear Friends and Family,

She's asleep. I think.

There are moments when I'm ready to go back to work early. And, then there are moments I'm ready to call and let them know I'm not coming back. And, like the weather in Texas, I can go from one extreme to the other in a matter of moments.

I think we all imagine shiny, happy babies that never cry, sleep a lot, and when they're awake they want to play. It's always sunny. The baby weight melts away. And, you spend your days enjoying the summer out with your friends.

And then you wake up.

And, the car is in the shop. And, the baby hates the car seat/stroller. And, you've sprained your ankle. And, it's raining. And, all your friends are at work. And, you realize, it's not all fun and games. It's work.

But, it's okay. Because when she smiles at you, you forget everything and realize how fortunate you are.


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