Thursday, July 16, 2009

Day 3 with Pioneer

Dear Friends and Family,

Someone got up a little off schedule this morning... P?

Yesterday was an excellent day minus one incident when I tried to take Pioneer for a walk.

I kept track of Pioneer's sleeping schedule, and she's pretty close to the average 15 hours, if she naps in the afternoon. I guess Mr. mouse was right.

We had three nice stretches of alert time. Pioneer and I talked again. We read more books. We played with her friends (monkey, ladybug and little Mookie) with me holding them up and her reaching for them. And, we checked in with Baby in Mirror who's doing well. For play, Pioneer and I both lay on our back on the bed - that way I can read the book with her.

I'm most proud of P's afternoon nap. We played and then she got tired. I put her in sleep position and propped up the coral flashcard. She slowly put herself to sleep looking at the flashcard. Good girl!

She also had a moment in the morning when I was reading. And, I said poops (part of the book) and she made a sound like poops and looked at me with a huge smile on her face - totally coincidental, but heart melting nonetheless.

One more funny - when she was waking up from sleep, she kicked enough to kick her pants off. Twice. Nicely done.

Mr. mouse and I took Pioneer for a walk last night. The new sling works great, except our marsupial daughter burrows her head into a corner and mashes her face against the sling. Will need to experiment some more.


PS: I'm thinking about taking a long weekend in September to spend more time with Pioneer.

PPS: Mr. mouse surprised us by coming home for lunch. We ate together and then he held her for a little bit before putting her down and heading back out.

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