Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 2 with Pioneer

Dear Friends and Family,

The alert phases are fabulous; the sleep stretches are relaxing; the crying moments are nerve wracking. Pioneer had a mix of all three yesterday.

She slept straight through to ~10AM (minus her morning feedings). Then, we played for an hour - both reading and talking to each other. She's gotten better at smiling and cooing and making other noises so I consider those as her contribution to the conversation. Then she ate and slept (or slept and ate, I can't recall) until 1.

We had another stretch of fun at 1 - playing with toys. She's learning to reach for them. 1:30 to 5 was a mix of sleeping and eating - most of it in my arms. She had one nap during which I watched an hour of TV - my first solo TV time since she was born. 5-5:30 we played again.

Then, she was on edge for the next two hours until Mr. mouse got home - not quite sleeping, not quite awake, not quite doing much of anything. Mr. mouse says she needs more sleep, so I may attempt to get her to sleep through a piece of that this afternoon. See how she does.

Pioneer went for a walk with Mr. mouse last night while I got my haircut. Then, she had her bottle on the roof before they came out to meet me for dinner. We went to a local restaurant. It was really loud. She slept through it like a champ. Frankly, I've been amazed and impressed with how she well she does when we go out.

She's sleeping now. I'll go make breakfast. Mr. mouse was a champ and sterilized all of the canisters we bought off eBay for her.


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