Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day 8 with Pioneer

Dear Friends and Family,

Tuesday, I had a revelation.

I don't want to be THOSE parents or to have THAT kid. The ones who've become social recluses who rationalize all sorts of monstrosities under the umbrella of mitigating circumstances who have a socially inept and/or spoiled monstrosity who rules their lives.

So, after multiple failed attempts, I decided to attempt, again, the walk around the neighborhood. Guess what? We succeeded. We walked for just under two hours following, roughly, my former 5K route. I bought tea at Starbucks. And, I bought a second drink at the neighborhood grocery store. I managed an exchange at the local children's boutique. And, we took a couple of pictures on the return leg.

Pioneer slept for most of the walk which was fine with me. We got her back on schedule yesterday (minus a 2AM feeding) and she was fun to play with for most of the day. There was a spell just before dinner that was rough, but other than that, I'd say it went well.

I'm just glad we were able to conquer the neighborhood walk. One small step for mouse, one giant leap for mousekind.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

love this - the start of many successful walks, I'm sure. just don't let her get a tattoo during one. we all know how that turns out... xoxoxox