Friday, July 31, 2009

Day 14 with Pioneer

Dear Friends and Family,

Before I go into yesterday, I need to get my chest cleared of this morning because Mr. mouse and I got off to a flying start:
  1. Just because he stayed up too late last night surfing randomness online is no reason to be obnoxious this morning.
  2. You don't get to abdicate all decisions to the other party, it's just a cheap way of dodging responsibility - the buck has to stop somewhere.
  3. If you need to say it say it to me, not to Pioneer, this isn't about her - be a grown up about it, please.
Okay, back to yesterday.

Pioneer and I had a great day yesterday. Instead of trying to get her down at her first yawn, I decided to give her ~2 hours of alert/awake time with each session. She did a lot better and went down a lot easier for her naps. I was able to come downstairs during her morning nap and do stuff around the house. And, while I slept with her for her second nap, I really slept, not just lay next to her and play pacifier retriever. And, while her third nap was a little shorter than ideal, it wasn't bad either.

We spent most of yesterday just talking. It's what I was in the mood for and I figured she would indulge me. We skipped the walk because it was raining and my ankle is still bothering me.

And, last night, we cooked a couple of bento boxes and popped some popcorn and headed out to the drive-ins to watch Harry Potter 6. It was a long drive out and I was on edge on how she'd do. She was fussy until she had her bottle and then she needed a little cajoling before going down. But, shortly into the movie, Mr. mouse put her down on the back seat and she slept through the entire movie. She had a couple of moments on the drive back, but overall she was a rock star about letting us get out and watch a movie. I have to say, the drive-in was both fun and practical.

She had a midnight snack when she came home and went down for the night. She woke on schedule this morning so I'm optimistic about today. Now, if I could only do something about Mr. sleep deprived, life would be good.

I take that back, life IS good.


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