Friday, December 22, 2006

Adding Value

Dear Friends and Family,

Yesterday was a good day. Granted I got a late start so I missed my bus, but, there's something to be learned in that...

My cube neighbor is cool. He's West Coast. I'm East Coast. We've got an agreement that we're both okay with that. We spent a piece of the morning just chatting since we're both relatively new to the department.

I had a couple of meetings in the afternoon where I started to kick off my project and I got to work with some people I had met earlier in the week. I finally felt "normal" and I felt like I was "adding value." So, four days into it, I will, ala our great and fearless leader, prematurely declare victory. I feel like this will work. If before I was glass is neither half empty nor half full, now I am glass is half full. It's the little things that make life worthwhile.

Now, you're probably wondering what's up with the late post this morning. Well, I have the flexibility to work from home as warranted. And, being I have zero meetings and four inches of reading, I figured today was as good a day as any to work from home. To top it off, my entire department is out today, so reading in the office yields only the benefit of practicing my commute. Thanks, but no thanks.

Happy Friday, everyone.


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