Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Day 1, A New Chapter

Dear Friends and Family,

Good morning. In case you're wondering why I'm up so early on my first day off, I had to drop Mr. mouse off this morning. He came over last night to keep me company, see how I'm doing and be the generally supportive person that he is.

I feel a lot better today. A lot of the shock has worn off. I have a list of stuff I want to do over the next week and half. And, I'm 90% of the way towards planning out a little trip over the next couple days. And, we got our New Year's invite out so people can start planning.

Overall, it feels good.

Being up, having my tea and blogging is strangely comforting.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

i think you've got it now, mouse...the art of transition is a delicate one and now you're mind is shifting to take it on. so so happy for you. deeeeeeep deeeeeeep breathing. and yoga?!