Thursday, December 28, 2006

Farewell, Mouse House

Dear Friends and Family,

It's Thursday morning. It's closing day. Odds and ends to accomplish this morning. And, then, we must bid farewell to the mouse house. All good things must come to an end.

Mr. mouse woke up last night as the last log was burning in the fireplace. We sat and enjoyed it together for a little bit, and then I went up to sleep while he hung out in the basement. He offered to bring the airbed downstairs, but it felt right to sleep in WBR, it's the room we slept in the first night in the house. It's only fitting it's the room we sleep in the last night in the house.

I had a small epiphany while fire watching last night. I'm a very different person from the person who moved up here four and a half years ago. When I left my former employer, I had lost faith in a lot of things... in people, in religion, in life, in a lot of things. In my time here, I've found my faith again. Most importantly, I've found faith in me and in life. It's weird I didn't even notice it while it was all happening. I just realized it lat night. I'm leaving a much stronger and more confident a person than the person who came here.

For this, I am thankful.

We'll come back often enough to see my friends. In fact, we're slated for a trip out in a couple of days for a New Year's Eve party. It'll be our first trip back as guest/visitors instead of as residents. I hope the next residents enjoy the house as much as we did and show it the care and love it needs to make it a home.


PS: I'm glad I have this blog. It started as an experiment from work. And, now it's a chance for all of my friends here to keep up to date on me.

PPS: Timer just went off. Time to wake Mr. mouse.

1 comment:

Trixie said...

congrats mouse - growing always feels good and i know that the mousepad will bring you as much happiness as the house did. probably even more because it's where your life with your husband begins again. fresh start. clean slate. new year. happy you.