Sunday, December 10, 2006

Day 5, Home Again

Dear Friends and Family,

Mr. mouse and I finished packing and loading the truck this morning. And, in the still of the night, we pulled out of the driveway and headed out to our new adventure. The drive went smoothly. And, we arrived at the mouse pad by 2:10 in the afternoon. The movers showed up and by 5:30 everything was in the new house. We even lucked out on a parking spot right in front of the house for easy unloading.

We returned the truck and headed out to dinner. I way overate, but figured it wasn't just dinner. It's a celebration - we're living together again. Yeah! Mr. mouse is relaxing upstairs. This living together thing is going to take some getting used to. Even with all the boxes, it feels like home.

Tomorrow, I sleep in :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congrats mouse family - welcome home!