Thursday, December 14, 2006

Day 9, Winding Down

Dear Friends and Family,

Back at the mouse house. Meeting a friend for lunch today and some shopping. Then, headed back home for a quick meal with the neighbors and then headed out to my happy hour. While I'm out, my neighbors are coming over to take the rest of my furniture. It's going to their parents' cabin.

Tomorrow, I've got a list of errands and lunch with another friend. The two weeks have gone really quickly, but it's been time well spent. I have a small case of the sniffles, but overall, am feeling a lot better than last week this time.

Mr. mouse met me yesterday for lunch. And, I headed back to the mouse house on a mid-day flight with... get this... the other half of the dishwasher rack! Nice to know I was able to provide entertainment for 100+ people in the middle of their Wednesday. The one thing I forgot? The camera... Trixie has me covered for tonight so I should be fine, just feel a little lost without it.

Last night, our neighbors came over to keep me company. It would have been pretty barren at home. It was good to have the company. I feel like I know so many people here and very few people at the mouse pad. Sigh.

Sorry so scattered this morning. Need to compose myself and organize before heading out. Happy Thursday, everyone!


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