Monday, December 31, 2012

12.31.12: Getting Ready to Say Goodbye to 2012

Dear Friends and Family,

It's nice to have time off, not because I hate work because I don't really hate work. But, I do hate my commute. And, not driving for a week has been nice. And, sleeping instead has been great.

We spent a couple of days at home before leaving for the holidays which translated into a little less chaos when we got back. We spent a couple of days with each set of grandparents and P got to spend some time with my brother. By the end of the trip, we were all ready to come home.

And, now, today, we're dropping P off at school today while I get some much needed time at home without P. On the list? Insurance for my new company, clearing out portions of the basement, and finishing another school application.

Yesterday, we took down one of the railings on P's bed converting it from a crib to a daybed. She handled the change fine. I think I'm the only one who got sentimental over it. I know she's closer to four than three, but it was one of the last vestiges of babyhood we still have in the house. I didn't realize when I picked her up out of it yesterday morning that it would be the last time I was picking her up out of her crib. Fortunately, I've been savoring it since I knew the end was near, so I wasn't completely crushed by the change.

I looked at my master "to do" list now vs. two months ago and we've made progress. I look forward to the day when I can convert it into a largely discretionary list of fun to dos instead of the current mundane list of required to dos. Progress.


Sunday, December 23, 2012

Goal: 52 Things Will Leave the Mouse Pad Update

Dear Friends and Family,

I just dropped three books into the recycle bin. Three books so unworthy they didn't even make it into the donate pile. Junk fiction. I had forgotten I had even purchased them. Done.

And, that, my friends, brings me to 52. I did it!

Now to dwell on my thoughts.

Do I miss anything I got rid of? No. Did I need anything I got rid of? No. Does the mouse pad look any neater? A little. Does the mouse pad feel any better? A little.

Am I done? No. That was just the tip of the iceberg.

There's still plenty more that can leave the mouse pad. We have a pile of toys P picked to get rid of on the family room floor. These will go to either to family or Goodwill. But, I'm getting ahead of myself.

Today, I bask in the glory of 52 things that have left the mouse pad.

The final count?
  1. junk: 15
  2. useful, just not for us: 14
  3. toys: 11
  4. baby gear: 7
  5. odds and ends: 3
  6. books: 2
Now that we're done with the first 52. Guess what?

I am going to try and have 52 things meaningfully leave the mouse pad in 2013. What do I mean by meaningfully? No, it doesn't mean I'm giving away things loaded with meaning. It means it's purposeful decisions to remove something that has found a home in our home. In other words, clearing out old bananas doesn't count, they never found a home. Clearing out old toys counts since they would linger in the basement given no active actions on our parts.


Friday, December 21, 2012

Last Day of Work for 2012

Dear Friends and Family,

Funny. I found out recently that my boss will be leaving. And, I'm going to miss him. Now, I'll be headed into 2013 with a new boss. They won't be back filling my boss so I'll report to his boss.

I'm not optimistic that I'll be staying at work much past when P starts school, if she gets in next fall. If I do, I'll be more surprised than anyone else. If I make it through today, that'll be my last December at my current work.

Somehow that feels good.


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Drats! Water, Again

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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Torturing a Tired Kid

Dear Friends and Family,

No. No need to call Child Services. It's not really torture.

P was tired last night and fidgety and didn't want to write the last card for her teacher. I had been bugging her to do them since the weekend, so I didn't have a lot of pity for her last night.

I told her sometimes even when you're tired you still need to do things.

Now you might think this is a cruel and unusual discussion to be having with a three year old, but it's not. Even if she's tired, she still needs to do things. She still needs to have a bath. She still needs to brush her teeth. She still needs to put away her toys. Tired might mean you skip some activities (we only read two books last night instead of three), but it isn't an excuse to not do something you don't want to do.

So, yes, we made her finish her card. We'll let her sleep a little longer this morning. It made for a long night of waiting out the tantrum, but it was worth it. I think it's important to teach her that procrastinating has consequences and being tired isn't an excuse to let something slide past its deadline.

P's three and a half, hurtling towards four. Time to teach life lessons. It's so much easier to spoil a kid and give them everything they ask for and just hug and cuddle them all the time. But, unfortunately, then, your kid grows up to be a monster instead of a well-functioning adult. There's definitely joys to parenting, but make no mistake, there's work involved.

More mail to pick up tonight.


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Thyroid Check In: Week 1

Dear Friends and Family,

I've been on methimazole for a week now. How's mouse doing?

I'm enjoying the freedom of slowly expanding my diet to include normal foods again. I'm noticing a drop-off in the number of heart palpitations although it should be noticed they still exist. My eyes don't bother me as often. I still get hand tremors when I'm close to my next dose of medicine, but my hands are more steady than they were.

In summary, I still have some symptoms, but they're not as pronounced as they were a week ago. I'm supposed to keep taking the propranolol for a week longer and then discontinue its use.

As scared as I was to get back on the medication, I'm glad I did.


Monday, December 17, 2012

12.17.12: Five More Days

Dear Friends and Family,

It's Monday.

We got a ton of stuff done over the weekend. And, like it or not, a ton of stuff will get done over the week. And, by Friday, our list will have whittled down to almost nothing.

Wishful thinking if I ever heard it.

We spent the weekend trying to help P write her Christmas cards. We enjoyed the grey, but warm Sunday to take P out for a bike ride. She's beginning to balance now. We got out our new year's party invitations. I ordered P's gifts. We made a sizable dent in our Christmas card process.

Like it or not, a ton of stuff will get done over the week. And, by Friday, our list will have whittled down.

I'll be glad when it's Friday.


Goal: 52 Things Will Leave the Mouse Pad Update

Dear Friends and Family,

I am going to try and have 52 things meaningfully leave the mouse pad this year. What do I mean by meaningfully? No, it doesn't mean I'm giving away things loaded with meaning. It means it's purposeful decisions to remove something that has found a home in our home. In other words, clearing out old bananas doesn't count, they never found a home. Clearing out old toys counts since they would linger in the basement given no active actions on our parts.

The List (most recent departures listed first):
  1. Bionicles Tahu is back in the basement where I am sure we will age it another batch of years. But, we made a smidgen of progress in the kitchen. There was a food drive at the library. We dropped off some rice milk, vegetable broth, garbanzo beans and British beans. The British beans are P's favorite and Mr. mouse wanted to make sure she knew we don't just donate things we don't like. I do, but apparently he doesn't. There's plenty more in the pantry. But, I'm still counting the little that did leave the mouse pad. 51 down, 1 to go!
  2. Originally I was going to list Lego Bionicles Tahu, but apparently that's worth $20 and now Mr. mouse is considering selling it on eBay. Now, we're bringing three PS2 games to drop off with my friend, Ben, the collector of all oddities.
  3. My favorite time of year. White elephant gifts. I'm bringing in a set of glass globes. You insert them upside down in your plants to water them. Mr. mouse got them, but agreed, we don't have plants, so glass globes aren't the most useful thing to keep. Unfortunately, I only got him to gift one box so you'll be hearing about another box in the future.
  4. This one's a surprisingly tough one. Four reels of LED lights. I don't like to color they emit. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume I probably won't ever like the color they emit. Three of them are unopened. I have no recollection of what I paid for them. They're labelled $40 each. I don't think I paid $160 for lights. But, perhaps I did. And, now, that's why I'm having trouble leaving them. It's as if, by keeping them, I'm justifying myself in having spent $160 on them (if I truly spent that much). But, today, I'm going to be brave and let them leave the house. Remember, mouse, you don't even like them and never will. Keeping them will not get your money back. Donating them lets another family enjoy them. Right?
  5. Back in 2007, five years ago, I was in a store and saw a Christmas tree marked down to $5.99. And, I couldn't resist. And, I bought it. Since then, it's sat in our garage as a reminder that $5.99 spent on something else would have been a better use of $5.99. I'm bringing it into work today for our office decorations. My colleague has promised to drop it off at Goodwill once we're done with it.
  6. Not sure how to count these. But I took two bags of old clothes (either too big or too small) out to the garage for donation.
  7. More not glamorous adds. I had "take down umbrella" on my list of to dos. Funny, that's the one winterizing thing I feel compelled to do. I went up the deck and the umbrella was knocked over. I tried to pull it out of the stand. I broke it in half. I considered repairing this old, faded umbrella. A week later, I asked Mr. mouse to throw it out.
  8. It's not a glamorous add. A cookie sheet. It's old and stained and apparently we have a new one that's nothing short of amazing. So, I discreetly put the cookie sheet by the garbage and so far Mr. mouse hasn't objected.
  9. You thought I had forgotten about you, didn't you? Actually, I've just been too busy. This one is a simple one. One evening, I needed a hangar to hang up some pants. There were no obvious empty hangars. I think Mr. mouse had brought them all down to fold laundry. So, I took three t-shirts that were languishing in our closet and took them down to the donate bag in the garage. Three down. Something like twenty or forty more t-shirts to go.
  10. This one hasn't been in the house all that long. But, minus active actions on our part, I could see myself having to deal with it sometime in the far future. It's an umbrella. I bought it for P for her third birthday because that's what she wanted for her birthday - chocolate cake and an umbrella. But, it turned out to be much too big for her. Since I bought it from some small store in Oregon (online), returning it seemed like more bother than it was worth. Our friend, Gracie, said she would take it. She likes it. Win. Win.
  11. junk: 27" tube TV
  12. junk: expired stuff from under the bathroom sink
  13. junk: more expired stuff from under the bathroom sink
  14. junk: empty containers from under the bathroom sink
  15. baby gear: burp cloths
  16. baby gear: diaper bag
  17. odds and ends: stairs to the deck
  18. junk: old swimsuit
  19. baby gear: 2 old breast pumps, one box
  20. junk: peg toy we inherited (missing pegs)
  21. toy: set of giant pipe cleaners
  22. junk: Halloween themed cup and five empty boxes
  23. baby gear: two booster seats
  24. book: Cooking for Baby
  25. toy: toy computer
  26. toy: baby animal puzzle
  27. toy: bird house with four plush birds
  28. toy: Mega Blocks table and blocks
  29. junk: 4 planters, 1 watering can
  30. useful, just not for us: 1 hose reel, 2 hoses
  31. useful, just not for us: P's toddler pool
  32. junk: 2 rusty lounge chairs, 1 stool
  33. junk: 4 solar lights that no longer light
  34. junk: a bucket and a lid
  35. useful, just not for us: a basket
  36. books: Gone with the Wind, Brave New World
  37. toy: Mr. Potato Head MLB edition
  38. baby gear: the Boppy
  39. odds and ends: new drawer used for kitchen towels
  40. odds and ends: guest bathroom counter
  41. useful, just not for us: crock pot
  42. useful, just not for us: hurricane with almond candle
  43. junk: old bath salts and perfumes
  44. baby gear: foam roll
  45. baby gear: 256 2 oz breast milk storage containers
  46. toy: truck (combo riding and push toy)
  47. toy: dog security blanket
  48. toy: battery-operated toy train
  49. toy: stacking pyramids
  50. toy: hammer and eight nails
  51. useful, just not for us: cane
We'll see if I can get to 52 this year. I'm cautiously optimistic.


Friday, December 14, 2012

Goal: 52 Things Will Leave the Mouse Pad Update

Dear Friends and Family,

I am going to try and have 52 things meaningfully leave the mouse pad this year. What do I mean by meaningfully? No, it doesn't mean I'm giving away things loaded with meaning. It means it's purposeful decisions to remove something that has found a home in our home. In other words, clearing out old bananas doesn't count, they never found a home. Clearing out old toys counts since they would linger in the basement given no active actions on our parts.

The List (most recent departures listed first):
  1. Originally I was going to list Lego Bionicles Tahu, but apparently that's worth $20 and now Mr. mouse is considering selling it on eBay. Now, we're bringing three PS2 games to drop off with my friend, Ben, the collector of all oddities.
  2. My favorite time of year. White elephant gifts. I'm bringing in a set of glass globes. You insert them upside down in your plants to water them. Mr. mouse got them, but agreed, we don't have plants, so glass globes aren't the most useful thing to keep. Unfortunately, I only got him to gift one box so you'll be hearing about another box in the future.
  3. This one's a surprisingly tough one. Four reels of LED lights. I don't like to color they emit. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume I probably won't ever like the color they emit. Three of them are unopened. I have no recollection of what I paid for them. They're labelled $40 each. I don't think I paid $160 for lights. But, perhaps I did. And, now, that's why I'm having trouble leaving them. It's as if, by keeping them, I'm justifying myself in having spent $160 on them (if I truly spent that much). But, today, I'm going to be brave and let them leave the house. Remember, mouse, you don't even like them and never will. Keeping them will not get your money back. Donating them lets another family enjoy them. Right?
  4. Back in 2007, five years ago, I was in a store and saw a Christmas tree marked down to $5.99. And, I couldn't resist. And, I bought it. Since then, it's sat in our garage as a reminder that $5.99 spent on something else would have been a better use of $5.99. I'm bringing it into work today for our office decorations. My colleague has promised to drop it off at Goodwill once we're done with it.
  5. Not sure how to count these. But I took two bags of old clothes (either too big or too small) out to the garage for donation.
  6. More not glamorous adds. I had "take down umbrella" on my list of to dos. Funny, that's the one winterizing thing I feel compelled to do. I went up the deck and the umbrella was knocked over. I tried to pull it out of the stand. I broke it in half. I considered repairing this old, faded umbrella. A week later, I asked Mr. mouse to throw it out.
  7. It's not a glamorous add. A cookie sheet. It's old and stained and apparently we have a new one that's nothing short of amazing. So, I discreetly put the cookie sheet by the garbage and so far Mr. mouse hasn't objected.
  8. You thought I had forgotten about you, didn't you? Actually, I've just been too busy. This one is a simple one. One evening, I needed a hangar to hang up some pants. There were no obvious empty hangars. I think Mr. mouse had brought them all down to fold laundry. So, I took three t-shirts that were languishing in our closet and took them down to the donate bag in the garage. Three down. Something like twenty or forty more t-shirts to go.
  9. This one hasn't been in the house all that long. But, minus active actions on our part, I could see myself having to deal with it sometime in the far future. It's an umbrella. I bought it for P for her third birthday because that's what she wanted for her birthday - chocolate cake and an umbrella. But, it turned out to be much too big for her. Since I bought it from some small store in Oregon (online), returning it seemed like more bother than it was worth. Our friend, Gracie, said she would take it. She likes it. Win. Win.
  10. My college graduation gift from my parents. Actually, it might also have been a house warming gift from my parents for my new apartment, my first home outside of theirs. Sounds like something you should keep forever, doesn't it? Except, it's a 27" tube TV that we no longer watch. We finally recycled it this weekend when our friends were over, since we could fit it in their truck.
  11. junk: expired stuff from under the bathroom sink
  12. junk: more expired stuff from under the bathroom sink
  13. junk: empty containers from under the bathroom sink
  14. baby gear: burp cloths
  15. baby gear: diaper bag
  16. odds and ends: stairs to the deck
  17. junk: old swimsuit
  18. baby gear: 2 old breast pumps, one box
  19. junk: peg toy we inherited (missing pegs)
  20. toy: set of giant pipe cleaners
  21. junk: Halloween themed cup and five empty boxes
  22. baby gear: two booster seats
  23. book: Cooking for Baby
  24. toy: toy computer
  25. toy: baby animal puzzle
  26. toy: bird house with four plush birds
  27. toy: Mega Blocks table and blocks
  28. junk: 4 planters, 1 watering can
  29. useful, just not for us: 1 hose reel, 2 hoses
  30. useful, just not for us: P's toddler pool
  31. junk: 2 rusty lounge chairs, 1 stool
  32. junk: 4 solar lights that no longer light
  33. junk: a bucket and a lid
  34. useful, just not for us: a basket
  35. books: Gone with the Wind, Brave New World
  36. toy: Mr. Potato Head MLB edition
  37. baby gear: the Boppy
  38. odds and ends: new drawer used for kitchen towels
  39. odds and ends: guest bathroom counter
  40. useful, just not for us: crock pot
  41. useful, just not for us: hurricane with almond candle
  42. junk: old bath salts and perfumes
  43. baby gear: foam roll
  44. baby gear: 256 2 oz breast milk storage containers
  45. toy: truck (combo riding and push toy)
  46. toy: dog security blanket
  47. toy: battery-operated toy train
  48. toy: stacking pyramids
  49. toy: hammer and eight nails
  50. useful, just not for us: cane
We'll see if I can get to 52 this year. I'm cautiously optimistic.


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Why I Chose to Get Medicated

Dear Friends and Family,

I figured out why I chose to get medicated. The hyperthyroidism is making me tired. I sleep a lot. I feel like I'm missing out on quality time with P because I'm sleeping so much. If the medication can relieve some of the tiredness, I'll be able to spend more time with P.

And, that's why I chose to get medicated.


Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Dear Friends and Family,

I went to the see an endocrinologist yesterday and he recommended I get on thyroid medication. While my thyroid levels themselves didn't seem to really concern him, my antibody levels were apparently rather alarming. What is a puzzle is why my thyroid levels weren't even higher.

We quickly ruled out radioactive iodine. And, we just as quickly ruled out doing nothing. The former because my case wasn't bad enough to warrant radioactive iodine. The latter because my case wasn't likely to improve without intervention and doing nothing has risks as well.

This left two options, methimazole and PTU. Since I'm not pregnant, nor trying to become pregnant, and since I've taken methimazole in the past, we decided to go that route.

I'm taking 20 mg a day of the methimazole and 20 mg a day of the propranolol. I have a follow-up lab in 4-6 weeks. We'll go from there. Between now and then, I need to get a better handle on my stress and I need to add iodine back into my diet. Soy sauce is my goal for this week.

I've come to the realization that I'm sick and treating myself is better than sitting in semi-denial. Here's to getting better!


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

12.11.12: Busy Weekend

Dear Friends and Family,

Want to hear about our weekend?

We got a haircut. We dropped off dry cleaning. We packed our bags. We went to the symphony. We went for a walk in the rain. We went to lunch. We went to the airport. We went to have dinner with a friends. We went to the hotel to check in.

That was Saturday. Sunday?

We went to the hotel pool. We went to a friends' house for lunch. We went to another friends' house for the afternoon. We went to a third friends' house for dinner. We went to the hotel to crash.


We went to the dentist. We went to lunch. We went to the airport. We picked up last minute presents. We unpacked and played.

Exhausted? Yes, it was good sleeping in our bed last night. But, even if it was exhausting, it was absolutely great catching up with all of our friends. I'm not as anxious about school. I'm not as anxious about my thyroid. And, I'm several days closer to 12/21 when, by definition, the holiday rush will be behind us.


Goal: 52 Things Will Leave the Mouse Pad Update

Dear Friends and Family,

I am going to try and have 52 things meaningfully leave the mouse pad this year. What do I mean by meaningfully? No, it doesn't mean I'm giving away things loaded with meaning. It means it's purposeful decisions to remove something that has found a home in our home. In other words, clearing out old bananas doesn't count, they never found a home. Clearing out old toys counts since they would linger in the basement given no active actions on our parts.

The List (most recent departures listed first):
  1. My favorite time of year. White elephant gifts. I'm bringing in a set of glass globes. You insert them upside down in your plants to water them. Mr. mouse got them, but agreed, we don't have plants, so glass globes aren't the most useful thing to keep. Unfortunately, I only got him to gift one box so you'll be hearing about another box in the future.
  2. This one's a surprisingly tough one. Four reels of LED lights. I don't like to color they emit. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume I probably won't ever like the color they emit. Three of them are unopened. I have no recollection of what I paid for them. They're labelled $40 each. I don't think I paid $160 for lights. But, perhaps I did. And, now, that's why I'm having trouble leaving them. It's as if, by keeping them, I'm justifying myself in having spent $160 on them (if I truly spent that much). But, today, I'm going to be brave and let them leave the house. Remember, mouse, you don't even like them and never will. Keeping them will not get your money back. Donating them lets another family enjoy them. Right?
  3. Back in 2007, five years ago, I was in a store and saw a Christmas tree marked down to $5.99. And, I couldn't resist. And, I bought it. Since then, it's sat in our garage as a reminder that $5.99 spent on something else would have been a better use of $5.99. I'm bringing it into work today for our office decorations. My colleague has promised to drop it off at Goodwill once we're done with it.
  4. Not sure how to count these. But I took two bags of old clothes (either too big or too small) out to the garage for donation.
  5. More not glamorous adds. I had "take down umbrella" on my list of to dos. Funny, that's the one winterizing thing I feel compelled to do. I went up the deck and the umbrella was knocked over. I tried to pull it out of the stand. I broke it in half. I considered repairing this old, faded umbrella. A week later, I asked Mr. mouse to throw it out.
  6. It's not a glamorous add. A cookie sheet. It's old and stained and apparently we have a new one that's nothing short of amazing. So, I discreetly put the cookie sheet by the garbage and so far Mr. mouse hasn't objected.
  7. You thought I had forgotten about you, didn't you? Actually, I've just been too busy. This one is a simple one. One evening, I needed a hangar to hang up some pants. There were no obvious empty hangars. I think Mr. mouse had brought them all down to fold laundry. So, I took three t-shirts that were languishing in our closet and took them down to the donate bag in the garage. Three down. Something like twenty or forty more t-shirts to go.
  8. This one hasn't been in the house all that long. But, minus active actions on our part, I could see myself having to deal with it sometime in the far future. It's an umbrella. I bought it for P for her third birthday because that's what she wanted for her birthday - chocolate cake and an umbrella. But, it turned out to be much too big for her. Since I bought it from some small store in Oregon (online), returning it seemed like more bother than it was worth. Our friend, Gracie, said she would take it. She likes it. Win. Win.
  9. My college graduation gift from my parents. Actually, it might also have been a house warming gift from my parents for my new apartment, my first home outside of theirs. Sounds like something you should keep forever, doesn't it? Except, it's a 27" tube TV that we no longer watch. We finally recycled it this weekend when our friends were over, since we could fit it in their truck.
  10. I don't even know where to begin. It started this morning, when I went upstairs to put the floss away and I realized the area under our sink was a disaster. First, there were the seven plastic bins, packed with stuff, piled up to the top of the cabinet, three on one side of the sink and four on the other side of the sink. Then, there was stuff wedged on top of the bins and piled all around the bins. I can't count each individually or this list would grow well beyond the 52 goal, but it seems like it should count for more than one entry. I know, I'll count it by the bagful of junk I threw out. The first bag was filled with expired stuff like sunscreen and eye drops.
  11. junk: more expired stuff from under the bathroom sink
  12. junk: empty containers from under the bathroom sink
  13. baby gear: burp cloths
  14. baby gear: diaper bag
  15. odds and ends: stairs to the deck
  16. junk: old swimsuit
  17. baby gear: 2 old breast pumps, one box
  18. junk: peg toy we inherited (missing pegs)
  19. toy: set of giant pipe cleaners
  20. junk: Halloween themed cup and five empty boxes
  21. baby gear: two booster seats
  22. book: Cooking for Baby
  23. toy: toy computer
  24. toy: baby animal puzzle
  25. toy: bird house with four plush birds
  26. toy: Mega Blocks table and blocks
  27. junk: 4 planters, 1 watering can
  28. useful, just not for us: 1 hose reel, 2 hoses
  29. useful, just not for us: P's toddler pool
  30. junk: 2 rusty lounge chairs, 1 stool
  31. junk: 4 solar lights that no longer light
  32. junk: a bucket and a lid
  33. useful, just not for us: a basket
  34. books: Gone with the Wind, Brave New World
  35. toy: Mr. Potato Head MLB edition
  36. baby gear: the Boppy
  37. odds and ends: new drawer used for kitchen towels
  38. odds and ends: guest bathroom counter
  39. useful, just not for us: crock pot
  40. useful, just not for us: hurricane with almond candle
  41. junk: old bath salts and perfumes
  42. baby gear: foam roll
  43. baby gear: 256 2 oz breast milk storage containers
  44. toy: truck (combo riding and push toy)
  45. toy: dog security blanket
  46. toy: battery-operated toy train
  47. toy: stacking pyramids
  48. toy: hammer and eight nails
  49. useful, just not for us: cane
We'll see if I can get to 52 this year. I'm cautiously optimistic.


Friday, December 07, 2012

One Down, Two to Go

Dear Friends and Family,

One down. Two to go. Regardless of what happens, it is guaranteed that two Fridays from now we will essentially be done with December. I just need to keep reminding myself of that fact.

I will be beat, but I will recover.

mouse, the phoenix.


Thursday, December 06, 2012

Goal: 52 Things Will Leave the Mouse Pad Update

Dear Friends and Family,

I am going to try and have 52 things meaningfully leave the mouse pad this year. What do I mean by meaningfully? No, it doesn't mean I'm giving away things loaded with meaning. It means it's purposeful decisions to remove something that has found a home in our home. In other words, clearing out old bananas doesn't count, they never found a home. Clearing out old toys counts since they would linger in the basement given no active actions on our parts.

The List (most recent departures listed first):
  1. Back in 2007, five years ago, I was in a store and saw a Christmas tree marked down to $5.99. And, I couldn't resist. And, I bought it. Since then, it's sat in our garage as a reminder that $5.99 spent on something else would have been a better use of $5.99. I'm bringing it into work today for our office decorations. My colleague has promised to drop it off at Goodwill once we're done with it.
  2. Not sure how to count these. But I took two bags of old clothes (either too big or too small) out to the garage for donation.
  3. More not glamorous adds. I had "take down umbrella" on my list of to dos. Funny, that's the one winterizing thing I feel compelled to do. I went up the deck and the umbrella was knocked over. I tried to pull it out of the stand. I broke it in half. I considered repairing this old, faded umbrella. A week later, I asked Mr. mouse to throw it out.
  4. It's not a glamorous add. A cookie sheet. It's old and stained and apparently we have a new one that's nothing short of amazing. So, I discreetly put the cookie sheet by the garbage and so far Mr. mouse hasn't objected.
  5. You thought I had forgotten about you, didn't you? Actually, I've just been too busy. This one is a simple one. One evening, I needed a hangar to hang up some pants. There were no obvious empty hangars. I think Mr. mouse had brought them all down to fold laundry. So, I took three t-shirts that were languishing in our closet and took them down to the donate bag in the garage. Three down. Something like twenty or forty more t-shirts to go.
  6. This one hasn't been in the house all that long. But, minus active actions on our part, I could see myself having to deal with it sometime in the far future. It's an umbrella. I bought it for P for her third birthday because that's what she wanted for her birthday - chocolate cake and an umbrella. But, it turned out to be much too big for her. Since I bought it from some small store in Oregon (online), returning it seemed like more bother than it was worth. Our friend, Gracie, said she would take it. She likes it. Win. Win.
  7. My college graduation gift from my parents. Actually, it might also have been a house warming gift from my parents for my new apartment, my first home outside of theirs. Sounds like something you should keep forever, doesn't it? Except, it's a 27" tube TV that we no longer watch. We finally recycled it this weekend when our friends were over, since we could fit it in their truck.
  8. I don't even know where to begin. It started this morning, when I went upstairs to put the floss away and I realized the area under our sink was a disaster. First, there were the seven plastic bins, packed with stuff, piled up to the top of the cabinet, three on one side of the sink and four on the other side of the sink. Then, there was stuff wedged on top of the bins and piled all around the bins. I can't count each individually or this list would grow well beyond the 52 goal, but it seems like it should count for more than one entry. I know, I'll count it by the bagful of junk I threw out. The first bag was filled with expired stuff like sunscreen and eye drops.
  9. The second bag was filled with stuff we don't use anymore like (expired) rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide.
  10. The third bag was junk junk like plastic bags, leaking mouthwash, empty containers. And, what's left looks so much better. Three plastic bins on the left (from bottom to top): teeth, first aid, travel. And, on the right hand side: bathroom supplies, more unopened supplies, and more unopened supplies. In the middle? One open bin with the remaining partially used, not expired, still useful supplies, like sunscreen and bug spray and lotion.
  11. baby gear: burp cloths
  12. baby gear: diaper bag
  13. odds and ends: stairs to the deck
  14. junk: old swimsuit
  15. baby gear: 2 old breast pumps, one box
  16. junk: peg toy we inherited (missing pegs)
  17. toy: set of giant pipe cleaners
  18. junk: Halloween themed cup and five empty boxes
  19. baby gear: two booster seats
  20. book: Cooking for Baby
  21. toy: toy computer
  22. toy: baby animal puzzle
  23. toy: bird house with four plush birds
  24. toy: Mega Blocks table and blocks
  25. junk: 4 planters, 1 watering can
  26. useful, just not for us: 1 hose reel, 2 hoses
  27. useful, just not for us: P's toddler pool
  28. junk: 2 rusty lounge chairs, 1 stool
  29. junk: 4 solar lights that no longer light
  30. junk: a bucket and a lid
  31. useful, just not for us: a basket
  32. books: Gone with the Wind, Brave New World
  33. toy: Mr. Potato Head MLB edition
  34. baby gear: the Boppy
  35. odds and ends: new drawer used for kitchen towels
  36. odds and ends: guest bathroom counter
  37. useful, just not for us: crock pot
  38. useful, just not for us: hurricane with almond candle
  39. junk: old bath salts and perfumes
  40. baby gear: foam roll
  41. baby gear: 256 2 oz breast milk storage containers
  42. toy: truck (combo riding and push toy)
  43. toy: dog security blanket
  44. toy: battery-operated toy train
  45. toy: stacking pyramids
  46. toy: hammer and eight nails
  47. useful, just not for us: cane
We'll see if I can get to 52 this year. I'm cautiously optimistic.


Officially Hyperthyroid

Dear Friends and Family,

Just got back my lab results from Tuesday and I need to resign myself to the fact that I'm hyperthyroid again. I've got an appointment with an endocrinologist on Tuesday. I hope I feel comfortable with his treatment recommendations.

If not, I'll be headed out to see my old endocrinologist. Happiness and joy.

On a positive front, I've got an add to my clutter diet list.


Wednesday, December 05, 2012

One More Item to Add to the Verboten List

Dear Friends and Family,

Well, yesterday's doctor's appointment went about as planned. I have a follow up appointment with an endocrinologist next Tuesday. I have a prescription for propranolol (no, Google, not provolone) to help with the heart palpitations. And, I have a host of questions on if I want to pursue treatment of the hyperthyroidism or try to get back to normal on my own.

I think my BATNA, if I don't like what the endocrinologist tells me on Tuesday, is to set up an appointment with my endocrinologist by the mouse winter cabin. I know him. I liked the way he treated me last time. Most importantly, I trust him.

Between now and next Tuesday, I'll take the propranolol and skip the wine and beer. Here's to feeling better soon.


Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Goal: 52 Things Will Leave the Mouse Pad Update

Dear Friends and Family,

I am going to try and have 52 things meaningfully leave the mouse pad this year. What do I mean by meaningfully? No, it doesn't mean I'm giving away things loaded with meaning. It means it's purposeful decisions to remove something that has found a home in our home. In other words, clearing out old bananas doesn't count, they never found a home. Clearing out old toys counts since they would linger in the basement given no active actions on our parts.

The List (most recent departures listed first):
  1. Not sure how to count these. But I took two bags of old clothes (either too big or too small) out to the garage for donation.
  2. More not glamorous adds. I had "take down umbrella" on my list of to dos. Funny, that's the one winterizing thing I feel compelled to do. I went up the deck and the umbrella was knocked over. I tried to pull it out of the stand. I broke it in half. I considered repairing this old, faded umbrella. A week later, I asked Mr. mouse to throw it out.
  3. It's not a glamorous add. A cookie sheet. It's old and stained and apparently we have a new one that's nothing short of amazing. So, I discreetly put the cookie sheet by the garbage and so far Mr. mouse hasn't objected.
  4. You thought I had forgotten about you, didn't you? Actually, I've just been too busy. This one is a simple one. One evening, I needed a hangar to hang up some pants. There were no obvious empty hangars. I think Mr. mouse had brought them all down to fold laundry. So, I took three t-shirts that were languishing in our closet and took them down to the donate bag in the garage. Three down. Something like twenty or forty more t-shirts to go.
  5. This one hasn't been in the house all that long. But, minus active actions on our part, I could see myself having to deal with it sometime in the far future. It's an umbrella. I bought it for P for her third birthday because that's what she wanted for her birthday - chocolate cake and an umbrella. But, it turned out to be much too big for her. Since I bought it from some small store in Oregon (online), returning it seemed like more bother than it was worth. Our friend, Gracie, said she would take it. She likes it. Win. Win.
  6. My college graduation gift from my parents. Actually, it might also have been a house warming gift from my parents for my new apartment, my first home outside of theirs. Sounds like something you should keep forever, doesn't it? Except, it's a 27" tube TV that we no longer watch. We finally recycled it this weekend when our friends were over, since we could fit it in their truck.
  7. I don't even know where to begin. It started this morning, when I went upstairs to put the floss away and I realized the area under our sink was a disaster. First, there were the seven plastic bins, packed with stuff, piled up to the top of the cabinet, three on one side of the sink and four on the other side of the sink. Then, there was stuff wedged on top of the bins and piled all around the bins. I can't count each individually or this list would grow well beyond the 52 goal, but it seems like it should count for more than one entry. I know, I'll count it by the bagful of junk I threw out. The first bag was filled with expired stuff like sunscreen and eye drops.
  8. The second bag was filled with stuff we don't use anymore like (expired) rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide.
  9. The third bag was junk junk like plastic bags, leaking mouthwash, empty containers. And, what's left looks so much better. Three plastic bins on the left (from bottom to top): teeth, first aid, travel. And, on the right hand side: bathroom supplies, more unopened supplies, and more unopened supplies. In the middle? One open bin with the remaining partially used, not expired, still useful supplies, like sunscreen and bug spray and lotion.
  10. burp cloths... Ask me why it was so difficult letting these go and I will not be able to give you a good answer. They were piled on P's dresser. I internally debated giving them to my sister. I kept them in March. This time, I bit the bullet and put them in the bag for my sister. I kept 4. I gave her 8.
  11. baby gear: diaper bag
  12. odds and ends: stairs to the deck
  13. junk: old swimsuit
  14. baby gear: 2 old breast pumps, one box
  15. junk: peg toy we inherited (missing pegs)
  16. toy: set of giant pipe cleaners
  17. junk: Halloween themed cup and five empty boxes
  18. baby gear: two booster seats
  19. book: Cooking for Baby
  20. toy: toy computer
  21. toy: baby animal puzzle
  22. toy: bird house with four plush birds
  23. toy: Mega Blocks table and blocks
  24. junk: 4 planters, 1 watering can
  25. useful, just not for us: 1 hose reel, 2 hoses
  26. useful, just not for us: P's toddler pool
  27. junk: 2 rusty lounge chairs, 1 stool
  28. junk: 4 solar lights that no longer light
  29. junk: a bucket and a lid
  30. useful, just not for us: a basket
  31. books: Gone with the Wind, Brave New World
  32. toy: Mr. Potato Head MLB edition
  33. baby gear: the Boppy
  34. odds and ends: new drawer used for kitchen towels
  35. odds and ends: guest bathroom counter
  36. useful, just not for us: crock pot
  37. useful, just not for us: hurricane with almond candle
  38. junk: old bath salts and perfumes
  39. baby gear: foam roll
  40. baby gear: 256 2 oz breast milk storage containers
  41. toy: truck (combo riding and push toy)
  42. toy: dog security blanket
  43. toy: battery-operated toy train
  44. toy: stacking pyramids
  45. toy: hammer and eight nails
  46. useful, just not for us: cane
We'll see if I can get to 52 this year. I'm cautiously optimistic.


Monday, December 03, 2012

12.03.12: Now Is Your Time to Push

Dear Friends and Family,

Now is your time to push. That's one of our favorite lines from auto racing.

I know it might seem as if drivers are driving as fast as they can for the whole race. After all, isn't that the point of driving in a race? But, it turns out, even if they're going as fast as they can, there's moments where their crew will tell them, now, you should try to go even faster.

Where does that extra come from?

I don't know. But, I do know, Mr. mouse and I need to find it for the next three weeks.

This weekend, we finished off three more school applications for P. I took advantage of the unseasonably warm weather to take P out to the library, brunch, and park to give Mr. mouse time to work on the applications. I swear, if anyone can procrastinate, Mr. mouse can procrastinate.

Sunday, I took a break and let Mr. mouse take P out for bagels and a bike ride.

Now, it's Monday and we have one more application due in a couple of weeks. If you add holidays on top of that, January begins to look like the promised land.

Top Three for December?
  • two more school applications, one more school tour, our first parent meeting, and whatever else we need to do for school
  • holidays... holidays... holidays... tree, presents, cards, invite for our January party... we need to do our tree this week
  • my health, I've got a doctor's appointment tomorrow. Fingers crossed.
Now is your time to push.


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thinking about Life after Work

Dear Friends and Family,

Yesterday, I found myself thinking a lot about life after work. I think the first thing I would do on day 1 is go for a walk. And, perhaps I'd go for a walk the next day. And, perhaps I'd go for a walk on the day after that. And, after a week of walking, I may decide to continue walking or not. I think the time walking would be valuable to wrap my head around everything. There's a lot to wrap my head around.

But, I think it'd be a good thing - for me, for Mr. mouse, for P.

I went to bed early. My eyes were bothering me. My heart was bothering me. But, I woke up feeling better, for today.

Let's see what my thyroid levels are next week when I have my doctor's appointment. Perhaps I'll stay at work. Perhaps I'll go for a walk.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Probable Inflection Point

Dear Friends and Family,

I'm feeling worse today.

I have my presentation tomorrow. I found out there will be changes in my management structure. I have sadly come to the realization that one of my partners is completely useless and he's essential to making my work happen.

What I am sadly realizing is that my current job will eventually drive me back into full fledged hyperthyroidism. Is my current job worth getting back on medicine?

No. My current job is not worth getting back on medicine. If that's what my doctor says, I will hand in my resignation.

On a positive front, I got insurance today! Well, I asked them to start the policy on 1/1/13. And, I still need to find worker's compensation. But, I have general liability and that's a step forward on my idea.

Perhaps this is all a good thing.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

More Ugh

Dear Friends and Family,

Team presentation tomorrow. Senior leadership presentation Thursday. Not ready.


To do list is a million miles long. Mr. mouse is working late twice this week.


I crossed off one item on the list yesterday. I took the umbrella in from outside. I broke the umbrella in the process. I need to throw the umbrella out. Yay. Not really crossed off of the list.


I tried to cross another item off of the list. But, all I ended up doing was requesting a pin that takes 5-10 days to be mailed to me. Excellent. Not really crossed off of the list.


Tonight, while I have P on my own, and my work piles up, I will try to cross two more items off of my list. We'll see.


Monday, November 26, 2012

11.26.12: Ugh

Dear Friends and Family,

It's great to have almost a week off. It's nice to relax and sleep and play with P and eat and enjoy the unseasonably warm weather. And, then, reality strikes.

Applications. Holiday prep. Race to the end of the year.

Unfortunately, I need to head out early today so I can't really write. And, I'm sure it's going to be an obnoxious week at work. There are no words.


Friday, November 23, 2012

Goal: 52 Things Will Leave the Mouse Pad Update

Dear Friends and Family,

I am going to try and have 52 things meaningfully leave the mouse pad this year. What do I mean by meaningfully? No, it doesn't mean I'm giving away things loaded with meaning. It means it's purposeful decisions to remove something that has found a home in our home. In other words, clearing out old bananas doesn't count, they never found a home. Clearing out old toys counts since they would linger in the basement given no active actions on our parts.

The List (most recent departures listed first):
  1. It's not a glamorous add. A cookie sheet. It's old and stained and apparently we have a new one that's nothing short of amazing. So, I discreetly put the cookie sheet by the garbage and so far Mr. mouse hasn't objected.
  2. You thought I had forgotten about you, didn't you? Actually, I've just been too busy. This one is a simple one. One evening, I needed a hangar to hang up some pants. There were no obvious empty hangars. I think Mr. mouse had brought them all down to fold laundry. So, I took three t-shirts that were languishing in our closet and took them down to the donate bag in the garage. Three down. Something like twenty or forty more t-shirts to go.
  3. This one hasn't been in the house all that long. But, minus active actions on our part, I could see myself having to deal with it sometime in the far future. It's an umbrella. I bought it for P for her third birthday because that's what she wanted for her birthday - chocolate cake and an umbrella. But, it turned out to be much too big for her. Since I bought it from some small store in Oregon (online), returning it seemed like more bother than it was worth. Our friend, Gracie, said she would take it. She likes it. Win. Win.
  4. My college graduation gift from my parents. Actually, it might also have been a house warming gift from my parents for my new apartment, my first home outside of theirs. Sounds like something you should keep forever, doesn't it? Except, it's a 27" tube TV that we no longer watch. We finally recycled it this weekend when our friends were over, since we could fit it in their truck.
  5. I don't even know where to begin. It started this morning, when I went upstairs to put the floss away and I realized the area under our sink was a disaster. First, there were the seven plastic bins, packed with stuff, piled up to the top of the cabinet, three on one side of the sink and four on the other side of the sink. Then, there was stuff wedged on top of the bins and piled all around the bins. I can't count each individually or this list would grow well beyond the 52 goal, but it seems like it should count for more than one entry. I know, I'll count it by the bagful of junk I threw out. The first bag was filled with expired stuff like sunscreen and eye drops.
  6. The second bag was filled with stuff we don't use anymore like (expired) rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide.
  7. The third bag was junk junk like plastic bags, leaking mouthwash, empty containers. And, what's left looks so much better. Three plastic bins on the left (from bottom to top): teeth, first aid, travel. And, on the right hand side: bathroom supplies, more unopened supplies, and more unopened supplies. In the middle? One open bin with the remaining partially used, not expired, still useful supplies, like sunscreen and bug spray and lotion.
  8. burp cloths... Ask me why it was so difficult letting these go and I will not be able to give you a good answer. They were piled on P's dresser. I internally debated giving them to my sister. I kept them in March. This time, I bit the bullet and put them in the bag for my sister. I kept 4. I gave her 8.
  9. diaper bag... This one is comical because my sister gave me the diaper bag when we were expecting P. Now that P is potty trained, we've been using a smaller bag. And, even if it was from my sister, I put it in the bag for her.
  10. random pile of stuff on the stairs to the deck: put the gardening tools and extension cord back in the garage, put the slippers with the other slippers, brought down an anonymous faucet head for Mr. mouse to assess, left the flashlight, and last but not least, threw out a pair of old shoes and a bag of rusty nails.
  11. junk: old swimsuit
  12. baby gear: 2 old breast pumps, one box
  13. junk: peg toy we inherited (missing pegs)
  14. toy: set of giant pipe cleaners
  15. junk: Halloween themed cup and five empty boxes
  16. baby gear: two booster seats
  17. book: Cooking for Baby
  18. toy: toy computer
  19. toy: baby animal puzzle
  20. toy: bird house with four plush birds
  21. toy: Mega Blocks table and blocks
  22. junk: 4 planters, 1 watering can
  23. useful, just not for us: 1 hose reel, 2 hoses
  24. useful, just not for us: P's toddler pool
  25. junk: 2 rusty lounge chairs, 1 stool
  26. junk: 4 solar lights that no longer light
  27. junk: a bucket and a lid
  28. useful, just not for us: a basket
  29. books: Gone with the Wind, Brave New World
  30. toy: Mr. Potato Head MLB edition
  31. baby gear: the Boppy
  32. odds and ends: new drawer used for kitchen towels
  33. odds and ends: guest bathroom counter
  34. useful, just not for us: crock pot
  35. useful, just not for us: hurricane with almond candle
  36. junk: old bath salts and perfumes
  37. baby gear: foam roll
  38. baby gear: 256 2 oz breast milk storage containers
  39. toy: truck (combo riding and push toy)
  40. toy: dog security blanket
  41. toy: battery-operated toy train
  42. toy: stacking pyramids
  43. toy: hammer and eight nails
  44. useful, just not for us: cane
We'll see if I can get to 52 this year. I'm cautiously optimistic.


11.23.12: Oops

Dear Friends and Family,

It's Friday. Where did the week go?

First, let's start with the weekend. We flew down to see old friends and a new auto race. The weather couldn't have been better. The race was well run. It was fabulous seeing our friends. I ate too much barbecue.

Monday, we spent the morning with our friends. Afterwards, we went to a park to let P play. We went for ice cream. Then, we drove to the airport to fly home.

Tuesday, Mr. mouse dropped P off at school and I spent the day home. What'd I do with my free time? I continued looking for insurance. I cleaned house. I read. I watched a little TV. I got my nails done. Not a stunning day, but nice to not go to work.

Wednesday, I stayed home with P. We made bread. We ate breakfast. We fixed her crown. We bought a microwave. We bought groceries. We ate lunch. We went to the park. We napped. A most excellent day.

Thursday, poor P. Mr. mouse and I tag teamed playing with P and cooking. She didn't have much interest in the food and got a little bored.

Unfortunately, the list of things that need to be done this weekend is long and most of it isn't stuff P's interested in. And, in the mean time, I feel work piling up. I'm afraid of Monday, partly because I didn't finish up stuff that needed finishing up before I left on Friday.

Last, but not least, I'm not feeling well. The stress of work and the stress of cooking and the heat from the oven and eating out over the weekend have all combined to make me feel like I'm hyperthyroid again. I had the shakes on Tuesday. I had the shakes on Wednesday. And, Thursday and Friday, I'm feeling hot again. Phone calls last night for work sitting next to a hot oven probably hasn't helped any.

Time to take a step back and relax. In a simpler world, I would have slept in this morning instead of crawling out of bed for a 3:30 conference call. I just need to remind myself, that, hopefully, by this time next year, I will be living in a simpler world.


PS: What am I thankful for? P (it goes without saying) and Mr. mouse, the health and happiness of my friends and family, Baby Preston, being able to save for retirement, being able to tread water, President Obama getting reelected, and my trip to Easter Island.

Friday, November 16, 2012


Dear Friends and Family,

They just announced a new room at P's school. I'm stumped. The infant rooms are at 50% capacity. The older rooms are all right at capacity. Where are all these new four year old kids going to magically come from? And, even if they did appear out of the woodwork, what's wrong with the current two rooms?

I guess we have four teachers in the three year old rooms, while the four year old rooms only have three teachers, so perhaps that's why. But, not sure now's the time to be adding cost into the system. The school's been struggling financially which is why they opened it up to the community.

I think the former center director would have shuffled kids and teachers around to make it work. Like do you move one of the three year old teachers up with the kids to a four year old room? Just saying. I'm not crazy about the new director. She's passable, but taking a while to warm up to.

All in all, one more reason we need to get P into a new school.


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Slowing Experimenting

Dear Friends and Family,

Never one to leave well enough alone, I'm now slowly adding back in the things I eliminated from my diet. I'm beginning to feel cold and I'm beginning to feel tired so I don't want to diet myself into hypothyroidism.

Yesterday, I tried caffeine and I definitely felt a little bit of the shakes last night at dinner. So, I may have to resign myself to staying off caffeine. Honestly, the thing I miss most is soy. Not all soy. I miss:
  1. soy sauce - it's in almost all Asian food
  2. soy paper - because it's a sushi alternative to seaweed, it allows me to have vegetarian rolls
  3. tofu - I don't eat it often, but it's something I like occasionally
  4. miso - again, something I don't eat often, but something I like occasionally
  5. soy milk - opens up the world of decaf cafe drinks since I'm caffeine free
So, perhaps I add soy sauce back in and limit my intake of the other soy products and see if I still feel okay.

I'm mentally wrapping my head around if this is cheating. I'm not allergic like people who are on a no gluten diet. My body still needs some iodine. I'm trying to convince myself this isn't weakness or lack of discipline. This is me trying to figure out what the right level of iodine is to feel good.

I know. I'll add soy sauce without adding anything else and I'll see how I feel.


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

School Tour This Morning

Dear Friends and Family,

We've got another school tour this morning. One more in December and then we're done with the school tours. Then, go through a marathon of applications and begin the parent meetings. I really do hope all of this is worth it.

Sometimes, when I see P sleeping in her crib (yes, she's still in her crib) with her legs tucked under her and her butt in the air, she's still my baby. Then, I see P in the mirror in my car as she's explaining some new solution to a problem she wants to solve, and then, she's my big girl. Somewhere in between those two, or maybe really, combining those two, is my kid.

Fingers crossed for this morning.


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

How Is It Thanksgiving Next Week?

Dear Friends and Family,

You blink and it's Thanksgiving. I don't know how that happens.

P is three and a half now. And, the time is beginning to fly so I'm going to take a moment to capture life today.

What do I love about having a three year old in the house? I love when P looks me in the eye and says I'll love you always and forever no matter what and then adds you'll always be in my heart and gives me a hug and a kiss. I love when I tell her that I can't carry her anymore because my back hurts (fabricated) and she rubs my back and asks me if it feels better. I love when she tries to problem solve - I told her the alleyway was full of glass and she offered up parking in the front in the evening to avoid the glass. I love her good manners. I love her smile. I love how proud she is of her accomplishments. I love listening to her sing in the car.

I know I'll miss being in the potty with her the few times she lets me accompany her. I know I'll miss the few times we have hydrolisys together since that's usually her time with Mr. mouse. I know I'll miss watching her slowly step out of the car when we get to school. I know I'll miss the happy face waving at me from the window when I drop her off at school. I know I'll miss the random games we play at night on the carpet and the negotiating to get her to the dinner table. I know I'll miss writing her name together at the end of the day. I know I'll miss the story before brushing teeth and the story after brushing teeth. I know I'll miss the tears when she's sad.

It happens so quickly. One day she'll be four and then she'll be five and then before we know it she'll be all grown up. Where does the time go? I'll have to enjoy every moment.


Monday, November 12, 2012

11.12.12: Survival Mode

Dear Friends and Family,

We went on a very quick trip this weekend to celebrate Mr. mouse's birthday. We flew out Saturday morning and flew back Sunday morning. In between, we had a ton of fun seeing old cars, letting the kids run around, doing block puzzles, and eating grilled meat.

All of the kids did a great job sharing their toys. I'll consider it a success.

Now, I just need to survive the next five days. Technically, I'm on vacation all of next week. We'll see if I can get enough done, or if I end up working next week.



Friday, November 09, 2012

Our Daughter, the Terrorist

Dear Friends and Family,

P has turned into a terrorist. When she doesn't get her way, she throws a tantrum. When she realizes I'm going to ignore her or that Mr. mouse is going to give her a time out, she stops. We've been trying to figure out how to prevent the onset, but as of now, we haven't solved that formula. We only know what to do once it's here.

I refuse to negotiate with her in the midst of her tantrum. I refuse to acknowledge her in the midst of her tantrum. I think it upsets her, but at some point the tantrum is over and she verbalizes whatever it is that she needed to get out. It's annoying as all get out to wait it out, but I refuse to give in.

I hope this phase passes soon.


Thursday, November 08, 2012

Goal: 52 Things Will Leave the Mouse Pad Update

Dear Friends and Family,

I am going to try and have 52 things meaningfully leave the mouse pad this year. What do I mean by meaningfully? No, it doesn't mean I'm giving away things loaded with meaning. It means it's purposeful decisions to remove something that has found a home in our home. In other words, clearing out old bananas doesn't count, they never found a home. Clearing out old toys counts since they would linger in the basement given no active actions on our parts.

The List (most recent departures listed first):
  1. You thought I had forgotten about you, didn't you? Actually, I've just been too busy. This one is a simple one. One evening, I needed a hangar to hang up some pants. There were no obvious empty hangars. I think Mr. mouse had brought them all down to fold laundry. So, I took three t-shirts that were languishing in our closet and took them down to the donate bag in the garage. Three down. Something like twenty or forty more t-shirts to go.
  2. This one hasn't been in the house all that long. But, minus active actions on our part, I could see myself having to deal with it sometime in the far future. It's an umbrella. I bought it for P for her third birthday because that's what she wanted for her birthday - chocolate cake and an umbrella. But, it turned out to be much too big for her. Since I bought it from some small store in Oregon (online), returning it seemed like more bother than it was worth. Our friend, Gracie, said she would take it. She likes it. Win. Win.
  3. My college graduation gift from my parents. Actually, it might also have been a house warming gift from my parents for my new apartment, my first home outside of theirs. Sounds like something you should keep forever, doesn't it? Except, it's a 27" tube TV that we no longer watch. We finally recycled it this weekend when our friends were over, since we could fit it in their truck.
  4. I don't even know where to begin. It started this morning, when I went upstairs to put the floss away and I realized the area under our sink was a disaster. First, there were the seven plastic bins, packed with stuff, piled up to the top of the cabinet, three on one side of the sink and four on the other side of the sink. Then, there was stuff wedged on top of the bins and piled all around the bins. I can't count each individually or this list would grow well beyond the 52 goal, but it seems like it should count for more than one entry. I know, I'll count it by the bagful of junk I threw out. The first bag was filled with expired stuff like sunscreen and eye drops.
  5. The second bag was filled with stuff we don't use anymore like (expired) rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide.
  6. The third bag was junk junk like plastic bags, leaking mouthwash, empty containers. And, what's left looks so much better. Three plastic bins on the left (from bottom to top): teeth, first aid, travel. And, on the right hand side: bathroom supplies, more unopened supplies, and more unopened supplies. In the middle? One open bin with the remaining partially used, not expired, still useful supplies, like sunscreen and bug spray and lotion.
  7. burp cloths... Ask me why it was so difficult letting these go and I will not be able to give you a good answer. They were piled on P's dresser. I internally debated giving them to my sister. I kept them in March. This time, I bit the bullet and put them in the bag for my sister. I kept 4. I gave her 8.
  8. diaper bag... This one is comical because my sister gave me the diaper bag when we were expecting P. Now that P is potty trained, we've been using a smaller bag. And, even if it was from my sister, I put it in the bag for her.
  9. random pile of stuff on the stairs to the deck: put the gardening tools and extension cord back in the garage, put the slippers with the other slippers, brought down an anonymous faucet head for Mr. mouse to assess, left the flashlight, and last but not least, threw out a pair of old shoes and a bag of rusty nails.
  10. What do you call an old swimsuit missing one underwire? Junk, that's what you call it.
  11. useful, just not for us: 2 old breast pumps, one box
  12. junk: peg toy we inherited (missing pegs)
  13. toy: set of giant pipe cleaners
  14. junk: Halloween themed cup and five empty boxes
  15. baby gear: two booster seats
  16. book: Cooking for Baby
  17. toy: toy computer
  18. toy: baby animal puzzle
  19. toy: bird house with four plush birds
  20. toy: Mega Blocks table and blocks
  21. junk: 4 planters, 1 watering can
  22. useful, just not for us: 1 hose reel, 2 hoses
  23. useful, just not for us: P's toddler pool
  24. junk: 2 rusty lounge chairs, 1 stool
  25. junk: 4 solar lights that no longer light
  26. junk: a bucket and a lid
  27. useful, just not for us: a basket
  28. books: Gone with the Wind, Brave New World
  29. toy: Mr. Potato Head MLB edition
  30. baby gear: the Boppy
  31. odds and ends: new drawer used for kitchen towels
  32. odds and ends: guest bathroom counter
  33. useful, just not for us: crock pot
  34. useful, just not for us: hurricane with almond candle
  35. junk: old bath salts and perfumes
  36. baby gear: foam roll
  37. baby gear: 256 2 oz breast milk storage containers
  38. toy: truck (combo riding and push toy)
  39. toy: dog security blanket
  40. toy: battery-operated toy train
  41. toy: stacking pyramids
  42. toy: hammer and eight nails
  43. useful, just not for us: cane
We'll see if I can get to 52 this year. I'm cautiously optimistic.


Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Four More Years

Dear Friends and Family,

I fell asleep in front of the TV so I missed the moment when Ohio was called for President Obama. But, I awoke to hear Mitt Romney's concession speech and I stayed awake for Obama's speech. I'm tired this morning, but it was worth it.

I'm glad that the Affordable Care Act will go into effect. I'm glad that we're willing to discuss raising taxes to pay for the deficit. I'm glad that women's health won't be relegated to odd people who say very odd things about things that don't impact their health directly. I'm glad that there's a decent likelihood that President Obama will get to name another justice to the Supreme Court.

And, I'm glad I didn't lose faith in 2004 when I awoke to a second Bush victory.


Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Hodge Podge of a Day

Dear Friends and Family,

What to write about today?

Mr. mouse and me? I don't know. I don't think it's healthy to dance around issues, let off steam by fighting, and then go back to "normal." It goes against everything I learned as an engineer. You know there's going to be repeat events.

The election? We voted early. The rest is in the hands of our fellow citizens. I'll be watching the news intently tonight. In case it's not obvious, we're a Team Obama household.

My thyroid? I had some lab work done over the weekend. I wasn't expecting news so quickly. But, the doctor's office called yesterday with my results. It's not a complete picture in that my first tests done in October only included one test, TSH, which measures your body's instructions to the thyroid. Higher TSH indicates the body is requesting more thyroid production. Lower TSH indicates the body is not requesting more thyroid production.

In my case, my TSH was rock bottom low. What happens next? The doctor then requests T3 and T4 level checks. That measures how much thyroid hormone the body is actually producing. The expectation is that T3 and T4 will either be normal in which case it's odd, but not a problem. Or, T3 and T4 levels will high (if the body is producing the hormone even if no one is requesting it) in which case it's most definitely a problem.

With me so far? I've had thyroid problems in the past. And, historically, when my TSH has been low, my T3 and T4 levels have been VERY high. I know what hyperthyroidism feels like. This time, when I measured my TSH levels in October, I was expecting it to be low, and it was low. Based on my symptoms at the time, I was expecting my T3 and T4 levels to be high, but since it wasn't tested I don't know if they were high.

Lately, though, I've been feeling somewhat better. And, when I went in for my tests this past weekend, I didn't know what to expect. Well, this time, my TSH is still low, although it's not as low as October. And, my T3 and T4 levels, while high, are within the normal range.

I need to call today to make a follow-up appointment. I guess I'll stay on my low iodine diet a little longer.


Monday, November 05, 2012

11.05.12: Angry

Dear Friends and Family,

When two people with strong personalities live together things are bound to get ugly sometimes. And, last night, it did.

I'm not going to go into the specifics of it here since I know it will come across as biased with me clearly in the right.

But, when we have arguments like these, I wonder, why are we together? Do other couples fight like we do? I thought I had married my best friend. But, sometimes it feels like I'm married to a complete stranger. Is this normal?

I know we're both under an extraordinary amount of admittedly self-induced stress. I know most normal people would have cracked long ago. I foolishly believe there's hope around the corner - that if we can get through whatever it is we're currently trying to get through, that peace and happiness and joy will come and blanket our lives in serenity.

Yet, when we get around the corner, I always seem to find another mountain to climb. This time it's school applications. Next time it'll be something else, like work. I know I'm in for a change once P starts school.

So, I'm angry and tired and bitter. Last night I felt my heart racing and I know that's not good for my health. And, I know I'll be angry for awhile.

Perhaps I'd be happier without Mr. mouse.


Friday, November 02, 2012

Delinquency Unit, Department of Revenue

Dear Friends and Family,

It's never a good thing when you get a letter in the mail with the line, if you do not act now, we may take collection action without further notice to you. Never a good thing.

So, I called to find out what I had done wrong. The person on the phone was very helpful. I filled out the paperwork online last night. Except, by accident I filled out Q1 2011 and Q2 2011. Then, I realized I was in the wrong year and I filled out Q1 2012, Q2 2012 and Q3 2012.

I'll call today to find out what I should do about Q1 2011 and Q2 2011.

Learning by doing.


Thursday, November 01, 2012

Progress, Of Sorts

Dear Friends and Family,

After four drafts, we submitted P's first school application. We need to call today to schedule the parent interview. One down, six to go.

Halloween is behind us. Goody bags distributed. Candy collected. Dogs avoided. Pictures taken. It was fun.

P's shoes, winter coat, and snow pants arrived in the mail. Disaster averted.

Sneakers are on order. Ink is on order.

What's ahead of us in November? Two more school tours. Three more applications. Snow tires. Soap.

Hmmm... This is beginning to feel suspiciously like a Top 3 Update. Except, I don't think I have time for a full fledged update.
  1. school admissions
  2. winter/holiday preparation
  3. November weekends
That's it. That's all I can handle. I'll assume low iodine is a priority, but doesn't take any additional work on my part outside of the blood work and potential endocrinologist visits.


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Draft Three Complete

Dear Friends and Family,

Mr. mouse handed off draft version 2 to me this morning at 4 AM and then went up to bed. I'm not entirely sure why it took him that long to work on the applications, but it's not boding well for schools two through six if it involves this much work to get an application out the door. But, it is what it is.

Hopefully, Mr. mouse can review version 3 this morning, make a few edits and can have a final version for me to review before sending it today.

Happy Halloween.


Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Dear Friends and Family,

P's first school application is due on Thursday which really means it's due tonight since tomorrow night we have trick or treating and I have a call with a friend. And, while I know Mr. mouse likes leaving things to the last minute, I'm not sure there's a ton to be gained by waiting until the very last day to submit.

So, while Mr. mouse is doing drop off, I think I'll tackle another draft of the essays in the application. That and we need to order new sneakers for P. Someone needs to just make the decision and hit the buy button and sometimes that's something I think I'm better at - buying.


Monday, October 29, 2012

10.29.12: Drained

Dear Friends and Family,

I'm exhausted. P went to bed last night around 11. I went to bed a little later. And, the alarm clock rang this morning at 4. There are no words.

Mr. mouse has been working since sometime last night. P's application, which is due this Wednesday, is not complete because Mr. mouse has been working since sometime last night.

We have a school tour tomorrow. We have trick or treating on Wednesday. We have blood work and flu shots on Saturday. We have an open house on Sunday. We have a birthday weekend with a friend that is still in the planning stages. We have an auto race that's still in the planning stages. We have Thanksgiving which isn't even in the planning stages. We have gifts which aren't even in the planning stages. We have more applications, more school tours, parent interviews, kid interviews, and who knows what else on the horizon.

We have a green box now which is a new holding pen for P's stuff. If she gets fixated on an object and doesn't listen, the consequence is that it goes in the box and she can't play with it. It was comical when she went to trade and put the gourd back in and took the crayon out. I let her do it once, but told her no more trading. The gourd had just come out of the box so I guess she realized she picked the wrong item to liberate. If the box gets full, it gets donated and leaves the house.

We went to vote early voting on Saturday. It took close to two hours. But, it's nice to have that crossed off our list.

P went on a bike ride with Mr. mouse. Yay.

It's Monday. Wish me luck with staying awake today without the caffeine.


Friday, October 26, 2012

New Dessert to Try This Weekend

Dear Friends and Family,

There's nothing like feeling deprived to make a mouse sad. So, instead of wallowing in my sadness, I decided to do some research.

So, I can't have coffee (even decaf lattes are now off limits with the no soy milk addition to my list of banned food groups), tea, hot chocolate (or any kind of chocolate for that matter), milk, butter, yogurt, sushi, soy sauce or bread. Life goes on and it can go on surprisingly well.

Last night I had polenta with a spicy chicken tomato sauce and it was delicious. Fortunately, Mr. mouse skipped his share to dutifully eat out verboten foods lingering in the refrigerator so I've got seconds for the weekend.

I wonder how it'll taste cold since our microwave is broken. The other option is to bake it in the toaster oven for a couple of minutes. I might have to go that route.

See? I'm managing. And, I'm excited for the weekend. I looked up dessert recipes in a cookbook we have. Yes. We still have some cookbooks. I found a recipe for apple souffle that calls for five ingredients:
  1. apples
  2. sugar
  3. almond extract
  4. egg whites
  5. confectioners' sugar
Fortunately for most home made desserts I'm on the look out for some key ingredients (coffee, chocolate, milk, and butter) because rarely do desserts include fish or soy sauce or tofu or prepackaged bread or anything like that. Now eliminating butter does eliminate a lot of recipes, but that's okay. I'll manage.

I know I can switch to margarine, but I'm just not willing to go there. If I'm going to make changes in my diet, I refuse to begin eating fake foods to supplement. I refuse. I can manage just fine, thank you.


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Another Week Another School Tour

Dear Friends and Family,

After a couple of weeks off, we're hitting the school tour circuit again. Yesterday's tour was of a school we got to see during an information session last week. It would be THE perfect school for P if we were practicing Catholics. But, we're not. So, while I love the diversity and school approach to academics, the faith building component still weighs on me some.

I'm still looking for the perfect school. Fortunately, we have three more school tours coming up in the next three weeks.


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Officially Hyperthyroid Again

Dear Friends and Family,

The lab called yesterday with the test results. I'm officially hyperthyroid again. And, apparently, when the pendulum swings, it swings. I'm not just a little hyperthyroid, I'm not A LOT hyperthyroid.

I've got follow up lab work on Saturday to see what my T3 and T4 levels are. My TSH is lower than can be measured. Normal range for the TSH test is 0.4 to 4.0. Mine is essentially zero. Yep. Mouse doesn't do things by half measures, apparently.

So, last night, I put together a bigger list of high iodine foods and a list of high inflammation foods. And, the next three victims to fall are all soy which includes soy sauce and makes me very sad, all bread which makes me sad, and all chocolate which is also sad but not as sad as the first two.

My list so far?
  1. caffeine, no iodine, just a catalyst
  2. all food from the sea (fish, shellfish, seaweed, fish sauce, fish paste)
  3. all dairy (milk, yogurt, cream, butter)
  4. all soy (milk, yogurt, tofu, edamame, soy sauce)
  5. all bread
  6. all chocolate
For breakfast this morning I'm having oatmeal with maple syrup. It's a little watery since I used water instead of milk, but it's palatable. I'll do this for the week and tackle another meal next week. In the mean time, I'll sort through sources of stress to see if I can alleviate so of that as well.


Monday, October 22, 2012

10.22.12: Weekend with Grandma

Dear Friends and Family,

My mom came over on Tuesday night and spent the week with us. P went to school on Wednesday and my mom worked on some stuff she needed to get done. P seemed to enjoy her day home with Grandma on Thursday. But, Friday was a mixed bag. I think P missed Mr. mouse and me from Thursday night and was on pins and needles as a result.

Saturday, we went to watch Harold and the Purple Crayon followed by lunch followed by pictures in the park followed by nap in the car. Sunday, we went to lunch followed by the Planetarium followed by nap in the car. Mr. mouse and I went out Sunday night for a concert and came home to P reading in her crib with my mom.

Overall, I think P enjoyed my mom's visit. I know my mom enjoyed her visit. And, after all the rain we had last weekend and last week, I enjoyed getting out and enjoying the fall. We'll have to make a concerted effort to have some home time this week. Hopefully the traffic works out.

Monday morning rush.


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Raising Sensible Children

Dear Friends and Family,

Bobos in Paradise. I read about half of it before becoming distracted and reading Hunger Games and, now, Game of Thrones. There's only so much, why yes, that's me. Uh huh, that's me. Oh, I didn't realize, that's me that you can do before you tire of a book. I'm sure it reaches some logical conclusion. And, at some point when I run out of books to read, I may pick it up again.

But, it raises some important points. I think Bobos raise their children differently. I love providing for P, but I work to ensure I'm raising an independent child who at some point in her life can function as a contributing member to society. We talk about money. We talk about work. We talk about sharing with people who aren't as fortunate.

There's a school tour we went on looking at schools for P for next year. And, I'm liking it less and less because I feel like the student body is filled with kids of civic leaders, doctors, bankers, lawyers, and consultants. Not saying they're not sensible, but it just doesn't feel grounded to me.

What brought all of this to a head? A conversation with my sister last night. She's so grounded and her husband's great, but she's fighting a constant battle with her parents-in-law. Not grounded. Not sensible.

Not Bobos.

I understand they studied hard and work hard. I'm not saying they didn't earn their money nor am I saying they don't deserve the life they've chosen to live. But, their way of arming the grandkids for the future is by setting up trust funds.

Perhaps is easy for me to say. P's not a trust fund baby. We don't have the resources for her to be one even if we wanted to. But, I honestly feel, smarts and resilience and empathy and patience and ambition are better tools to arm P with for her future than money. Money can run out. The means to earn it hopefully is a more durable asset.

I'm glad my nephew has my sister for his mom. She's determined to make sure he's got more than a trust fund to count on when he turns 18.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Dear Friends and Family,

We picked up my mom at the airport last night. She's staying for the rest of the week, all of the weekend, and part of Monday.

P's super excited. She's been telling everyone at school since Friday that grandma was coming to visit. I'm glad she's happy about it.

Me? I'm glad to see my mom. I'm glad they're going to have a couple of days together to bond and play and laugh and do the things grandmas and grandkids do.

I'm also glad to have a little time to myself on the bus and train to read and sleep and zone out. I'm also glad to have a baby sitter for tomorrow night's open house at a school we're interested in (the impetus for having my mom visit). I'm also glad to be going to a concert with Mr. mouse on Saturday night.

And, last but not least, I'm glad that I get to work from home on Friday.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Collateral Weight Loss

Dear Friends and Family,

Ah. A couple of minutes to write before heading into the shower.

The weekend? It was a mess. It rained. It was cold. It was windy. We stayed inside and built a giant structure of balls and funnels and ramps to play with. We got in fall pictures, barely. We did a little shopping (food, clothes, and shoes). We called it a day.

I'm still waiting on test results from my doctor's appointment last Friday. I hope they come back normal. I've been seafood free, caffeine free, and mostly dairy free for the past three weeks now and I'm beginning to feel better. I can sleep through the night. I've found a solution for the sushi restaurant when we go out that doesn't result in fried tempura and rice. My hands don't tremble as much.

Confession: I still eat an occasional meal of pizza.

The interesting thing is that I've dropped about four pounds in the process. It's concerning since rapid weight loss is a symptom of hyperthyroidism, but it's not concerning yet because it's only four pounds, not twenty, and I don't have any of the other symptoms yet.

So, if you want to lose five pounds, subsist on a diet of cafe au lait, diet coke, Greek yogurt, sushi, and stress. When you can't sleep at night and you get a bad case of the shakes, abruptly remove all of the above from your life. Voila, you'll be five pounds lighter in no time.

I'm sure there are easier ways to lose five pounds. But, hey, who's going to complain about incidental collateral weight loss? Not this mouse.


Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday Meeting

Dear Friends and Family,

No time to write. Early morning meeting.


Friday, October 12, 2012

Six Month Check In

Dear Friends and Family,

Recommendation forms filled out. Envelopes addressed and stamped. Filed by manila folder. All set to go.

Today's our six month check-in with P's teacher. She's been in her current room since April so it's a good chance to see how she's doing and learn about what we can continue to do at home to help P grow.

Speaking of growing, she's leaned out. No, we didn't think that was possible, but it is. And, she sprouting. At this rate, she'll be 5'1" and 99 pounds by the time she's in college.

Our little P.


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Obsessed with School To Dos

Dear Friends and Family,

I think I need a better organizational layout for P's school stuff. I tried organizing by month, but that didn't show much. Then, I tried organizing by school and that's still not what I want. I think I need to show by school by month in a table. That's what I need.

I think I'll go do that now. Happy Thursday everyone.


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Family of Three

Dear Friends and Family,

Happy Wednesday.

I just saw pictures from a vacation my sister's sister-in-law took with her husband. They still do a lot of things together, leaving the grandparents to watch the two boys.

On the one hand, I think it's a good thing. The boys have time with the grandparents, the grandparents have time with the boys. They get quiet time together as a couple.

But, on the other hand, I can't imagine traveling without P. I love the chance to show her new things and see new things with her. She's fine on the flights and she's an easy traveler and for that I'm grateful.

I guess the third option would be to all go, P, us, and the grandparents, but I can't imagine that. First, it'd be cost prohibitive. But, second, sadly, my parents are not easy travelers and I don't think I'm going to change that any time soon.

So, I guess the right answer for our family is to continue traveling, the three of us. And, the right answer for my sister's sister-in-law's family is to split up.


Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Facebooking Instead of Blogging

Dear Friends and Family,

Sorry. Spent too long this morning writing a friend about P's school options. Now, I need to run to get ready for work. See you tomorrow!


Monday, October 08, 2012

10.08.12: Fireworks Going Off In the Sky

Dear Friends and Family,

We flew to New Mexico for the weekend for a quick dip into the balloonist culture at the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta.

Friday's flight was long. Saturday's wake up was excruciating. The line at the park and ride was Disneyesque. The cancellation of Saturday morning's activities due to wind was disappointing.

Instead, we spent Saturday morning in Santa Fe, touring Native American pueblos. P and I slept a lot, but Mr. mouse enjoyed himself. We returned to Albuquerque in the afternoon, ate lunch, and headed into the general parking queue for the afternoon activities.

We tagged P so that if we got separated, the police could track us down easily. We set up our seat cushions, and I enjoyed the afternoon sun while Mr. mouse and P went exploring. The evening balloon glow as fun, but not something we hadn't seen before. We had a chance to walk among the balloons and take pictures. The number of balloons was impressive, but the amount of time they stayed lit was shorter than I expected. We later learned they came down early because the wind speeds were getting too high.

We left despite P's declaration that she wanted to see the fireworks. Fortunately, we were able to view them from our car in a parking lot after we left.

Sunday morning we woke up and loaded the car and headed out with our fingers crossed. Mr. mouse sent me ahead to scout a spot for our picnic blanket while P slept in the car. It turns out I couldn't have asked for a better spot.

The Dawn Patrol, which goes out first to gauge wind conditions, inflated their balloons in a row, right in front of us. The first balloon that goes up the US flag with Mass Ascension inflated right next to us. And, we enjoyed a beautiful view of all of the balloons inflating and ascending. When the first balloon launched, I couldn't believe the beauty of it lifting into the sky, the balloon aglow from the burners. It really is a tremendous sight.

At first, they weren't sure how many pilots would choose to launch, but in the end, almost all of them did. There were balloons everywhere you looked. I couldn't take my eyes off them. They were like little jewels hanging in the sky. If you've never gone, it's worth a weekend to go and see the balloons. I highly recommend it.


Friday, October 05, 2012

New Approach

Dear Friends and Family,

Originally, in classic Mr. mouse fashion, Mr. mouse wanted to take some time to think and process and dawdle on school applications. For instance, he thought delaying getting a recommendation from P's teacher would give P more time to grow and improve before her teacher wrote her recommendation.

I think the better approach is to take each task and do it as quickly as possible. Time to get rocking and rolling on parent interviews and kid interviews and essays and everything. For instance, our first application is due Nov 1. That's less than a month away.

It might be good, once this week is behind us, to take a moment to create the giant calendar of to dos and just power through this. I'd rather that than to die by a thousand cuts over the next two to three months.


Thursday, October 04, 2012

Is it Friday Yet?

Dear Friends and Family,

Early morning drop off today since we have another school tour. One day, I will look back on my life and wonder how I managed to keep my sanity through this year.

Hopefully, all of this turns out to be worth it and P gets into a good school and we can move on with our lives. Hopefully.

For now, it's 5 AM and I need to go shower since we need to be out of the house by 5:45 and there's still stuff to do like wake P and get her ready.

Oh, and two more people I work with decided to leave. It's getting to be a sad place at work.


Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Holiday Planning

Dear Friends and Family,

Looking at our calendar, I think we're going to blink and it'll be 2013. I need to begin planning out Christmas presents.

There's my mom and dad. There's Mr. mouse's dad and step mom. There's my nephew; we'll call him Big P. There's Mr. mouse's niece; we'll call her Little Z. There's my brother. There's Mr. mouse. And, there's P.

There's a couple of things that come to mind.

I've been thinking about trying to put together P's artwork into manageable things worth saving instead of piles of artwork dated and placed in our closet. So, that's one option, go through the artwork and put together albums for family member so we each have some to enjoy.

There's soap which I'd like to make and share.

There's the usual approach of go out and buy stuff. I guess I just need a plan (what to do) and a plan of attack (when to do it) because I think the holidays will be here before we know it.


Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Odd Ball Week

Dear Friends and Family,

It's one of those weeks, where every day there's something going on. Tonight is parent-teacher conferences at school. Tomorrow is a baseball game for work. Thursday is a school tour. Friday is my doctor's appointment.

And, somewhere in there I need to make one more batch of ice cream and deliver it to a friend.

Friday evening cannot come soon enough.


Monday, October 01, 2012

10.01.12: One. Two. Three. Jump.

Dear Friends and Family,

Early Monday morning meetings, I will not miss.

Saturday, we went out for breakfast at the diner and books at the library and bread at the bakery. I spent the rest of the day napping while Mr. mouse took P to go look at cars and to go shopping.

Sunday, we marshaled up the forces to go furniture shopping. P's toys had outgrown her bin. Now, we have three large shelves to store all of her stuff.

The funniest part of Sunday was P's new found interest in jumping. She set up her bowling pins (in the morning) and her blanket (in the evening) and jumped. She'd count (very loudly) and jump and we'd clap.

I couldn't stop laughing.


Friday, September 28, 2012

Looking Ahead on the To Do List

Dear Friends and Family,

In the quest to get to a blank to do list, we're making progress. Now a blank to do list goal is kind of like a zero defect goal. I don't think, realistically, you ever really get there.

But, here's the status of it. It's not that bad.

"The Nows" and "The September Projects"
  1. P's clothing. There's fall clothes. There's winter gear (coat, hat, mittens, boots). And, there's shoes. We were able to cross of Halloween costume because P wants to be an astronaut again so we'll recycle last year's costume.
  2. Toy organization plan. There's toys everywhere. We need to put some away and find a new shelf that's more geared towards P's current toys.
  3. Teeth whitening. I started on Monday. Looks like it'll take about two weeks.
  4. G5. It's packed away. We just need to find a home for it. It's home might be Goodwill.
  5. Baby journal. It's painstaking going back and filling out the details. I think I've got a bunch of pages left for the first year. But, I've filled in one year old, two year old, three year old, and the first month. This one's gonna be tough, but worth it.
Then, I need to think about what I'm going to tackle in October. Snow tires and wedding video are high on my current list. There's 20 items on "The Laters" list that can get promoted each month to the "Active Projects" list. Our current run rate is 2 a month. So, by sometime next year, that list may be empty. I know that seems like a long time away. But, some of these projects have been on our list since 2007 which means these are longer term to dos.

And, hopefully, by sometime next year, we'll have the school thing figured out. That'll be another column off of our list.

Nothing like planning for the next year when you've still got a quarter of this year left.
