Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Action Item #5: Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs

Dear Friends and Family,

I didn't think Mr. mouse would support me on this one. But, surprisingly he did. We spent Saturday afternoon swapping out a lot of our incandescent light bulbs for compact fluorescent light bulbs. We swapped out 24 light bulbs and surprisingly, that's only 30% of our light bulbs. We have 8 each in the two bathrooms that we still have incandescents in. And, we have 4 each in the kitchen, dining room and guest bedroom that are floodlights. The technology on flood lights is abysmal. We're going to wait for it to improve before we swap those out.

2007 Action Plan
  1. 07.20: I pledge to make a difference.
  2. 07.20: I will track my electrical consumption.
  3. 07.20: I will keep the house at 78°+ for the summer.
  4. 08.16: I will unplug the blow dryer.
  5. 09.01: I will try compact fluorescent light bulbs.


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