Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Food Thoughts and More

Dear Friends and Family,

I've been giving some thought to what my food routine would look like if we decided to get pregnant. And, that topic deserves a little commentary all its own, come to think about it. We all know the score on this one, but just in case you've been living in a box the last twelve years, I'm ambivalent but open to the idea of having kids. Mr. mouse wants one. So, we've been living a child-free, care-free life with just the two of us. I'm getting older. And, there comes a point where you need to either make the call to do it or to not do it - a proactive decision vs. just letting the time slide. I've told Mr. mouse I'm open to the idea, but there's a list of stuff I want to tackle before we make the leap. And, I don't think I'm being unreasonable hear, folks. I want to get a general check-up in to get baselines on all of my data, especially dear old thyroid. I want to check on whether my vitamins are okay or need to be adapted. I want to get a couple of books on what might be in store for us. There's a couple of other things, but all in all, I don't think it's a crazy list.

This is where it gets crazy. Of all the things to get hung up on, but all things considering, if it's important to me, it should be something he's willing to work with. I want the child to be born in the year of the mouse - which goes until early 2009, which means we need to get moving on this in the next seven months or nothing. According to what I've read, it can take one time, it can take years, but couples average six months in the trying phase. Well, then, if this is important to him, he needs to make this a priority because the clock is ticking. And, once the train leaves the station, there's no waiting for the next one. I've tried to make this crystal clear to him, but I'm not sure if he's getting the message. I'm not going to push him on it, really, why should I be the taskmaster on this one? I've posted the list on the fridge. I've walked him through it. The balls in his court.

Okay. Enough cliches in one post. To show I'm trying to be a good sport, here's some thought I gave to what I think my food routine will be once we're in trying mode. I put together a list of criteria:
  1. 4 different point levels depending upon the trimester
  2. maximum of 9 non-core points a day
  3. 75 gms net carbs a day
  4. 35 gms fiber a day
  5. 60 gms protein a day (minimum)
  6. 30 gms oil a day (minimum)
  7. 4 servings of dairy
  8. 5 servings of fruits or vegetables
  9. whole grains only
It was like trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle.

  • multi-vitamin
  • 2/3 cup bran cereal
  • 1 oz almonds
9AM Snack
  • 1 cup edamame
  • 3 oz grape tomatoes
  • 1 cup skim milk
  • 6 oz salad greens
  • 4 oz chicken thighs
  • 2 tsp olive or canola oil
3PM Snack
  • 4 rye crackers
  • 2 slices cheese
  • 1 cup skim milk
  • 6 oz some vegetable
  • 4 oz some meat
  • 1 tsp canola oil
I'm going to miss my pasta, rice and bread. But, with the way diabetes runs in my family, I'm not willing to take the chance.


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