Friday, September 28, 2007

mouse Joins the Gym

Dear Friends and Family,

I got tired of the trade-offs so I decided to take control of the situation. Since Mr. mouse moved downtown, I've been taking the bus to work a lot more often. The commute, driving, has been killer with the construction. And, since the last bus leaves work too early to allow me to workout at the gym by work, I've been skimping on the workouts. Can you tell I hate driving?

Well, I went to the gym by home two weekends ago to workout. And, I learned that they were waiving the monstrous initiation fee during a special promo they were running. Oh, that's just the impetus I needed to make the change! So, I signed up yesterday. And, I'm going today. Ah, now, for $75 a month, I can blissfully sleep on the bus and maybe sell my car. The question is when I'll cancel my work pass which is $25 a month so that I'm not running a $100 deficit. I'll figure it out by year's end.

Now, the best part of all of this. During the tour, I learned that after 3 pilates reformer sessions, the rest of the sessions are free to gym members. OMFG! I am jazzed beyond words about it. I loved my reformer sessions. And, now, they're free. If I had known that, I would have signed up sooner. Not that I'm complaining or anything. I don't inspect gift horses too closely as a matter of policy.

Working from home today. Happy Friday everyone.


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