Thursday, September 06, 2007

Recharged and Refreshed

Dear Friends and Family,

I had the best moment at the gym last night. I was on the treadmill doing the usual routine when I had a mini-revelation.

After almost eight years of running on empty, I finally felt recharged. Our first year of marriage was tough as we learned to adjust to living together. Then, I had to cope with a miserable work environment. Then, I made the big move. And, I had the opportunity to learn and grow and become me. But, again in a tough environment. Mr. mouse and I had to learn the trials and tribulations of a long distance, high overhead relationship. And, my work environment was still sub-optimal with ups and downs and periods of ambiguity and frustration. And, now, it's all better. We're together. And, I honestly enjoy work.

I think the last eight months have been about finding center again and slowing recharging the batteries. I no longer feel like I'm running on fumes. I feel recharged and refreshed and re-centered and ready to re-tackle life's challenges. To be honest, if I had to do it all again, I would. I learned a lot. I made a lot of friends. I had and took the opportunity to grow into a person who is comfortable with herself. And, I've learned patience and perseverance and resilience. I've made it through and I'm the stronger for it.

Sometime in the last five years, I feel like I've grown from young adult into adult. With the support of lots of close friends, I had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn and grow into myself. I was able to be me. They gave me the confidence to be me. And, they helped me realize that I've got a lot to be proud of.

What a glorious feeling. I'm glad I went to the gym yesterday. I was dreading the workout. And, if I hadn't gone, I'm sure I wouldn't have had my mini-revelation. Bring it on!


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