Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Beer vs. Beer

Dear Friends and Family,

Mr. mouse picked me up at work last night and we headed out to Milwaukee (home to Miller) to watch the Brewers take on the St. Louis (home to Budweiser) Cardinals. It should have been a fun night, and it was, but there are a few things that could have made it better.
  1. Mr. mouse mis-timed the traffic, so we got there thirty minutes late. We should have left more time. By the time he picked me up it was 5:15 and we hit commuter traffic with a vengeance. If he had picked me up at 4:15, the same roads would have gone much faster.
  2. I left work angry - angry at Mr. mouse for being late, angry at myself for some work that needed to get out, angry at the world just because. Mr. mouse hates seeing me this way. I hate being this way. It happens. It sucks. I need to learn to control it better.
  3. We should have planned better. If I had taken an early bus, I could have met him earlier and closer. We blew a lot of time en route because he picked me up. We could have been on the highway faster. Now, no guarantee the highway would have been moving, but I know with 100% certainty the local roads weren't.
The game itself? I enjoyed it. The Brewers won. I should have been cheering for the Cubs. But, I'm not that big of a Cubs fan, so I didn't care all that much.

The food? I used my remaining 12 daily points plus 12 of my flex for a burger, 8 waffle fries and 24 cashews. I've been eating minimal pork since getting back from Turkey. Obviously, they don't eat any there. And, I wanted to see if not eating it would significantly impact my diet. So far, it hasn't. The hot dogs we eat are 100% beef. I've been getting vegetarian pizza. And, we don't do dim sum often anyway because it's really high points-wise. I had some sausage on some pizza we had in the freezer, but besides that it's been almost two months. Well, last night, I was torn on whether to try the bratwurst and opted to look for either pizza or a hamburger (my assumption is these are 100% beef, but I guess you can sneak in some pork). It was equally indulgent while still showing a sliver of restraint. I might have pork when I travel if it's some local specialty. I might not. We'll see.

The park? I love the park. It's got lots of organized parking. You get super close to the field with the seating layout. It feels both expansive and cozy at the same time. There's some great options if you want to watch the game from places besides your seats. There's a .300 Club with seating from on high. Mr. mouse said it's like watching at Fenway from the Green Monster. They have a patio/bar like area and an enclosed area with table cloths and sit down meals. There's a Friday's on the ground level by the outfield, where you can also grab a table and a meal during the game. These would make getting season tickets more interesting since you could mix it up. Speaking of which, I think it'd be great if you could get a mix of season tickets - some cheap seats, some expensive seats, a box once, etc. to make a season work for you. It's more complicated, but I would love it. They also have a nice shop with fan gear and did a good job with memorabilia throughout. I'm all for nostalgia and history and everything, but I like new stadiums too. I might try to watch a couple more games next year. Maybe. Maybe not. We'll see.

Back to work on the chain gang.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

oh mouseketeer - no more being so hard on yourself. remember that you're just in a little funk: no one is ill or dying, you're healthy, have a wonderful (if time challenged) husband, and a beautiful home. work is just a means. and you USUALLY do enjoy it! :) the tide will turn and you'll be back again. offer yourself some peace and comfort. xoxoxo