Thursday, October 02, 2008

10.02.08 (Week 8, Day 6): More Gas, Yeah

Dear Friends and Family,

I had a miserable ride in yesterday morning. The train was packed to the gills and standing room only and I didn't do well on it. I started having the can't breathe, can't see straight, lots of burps, lots of saliva, cold sweat feeling that generally precedes vomiting. Fortunately, I JUST made it to the stop where everyone gets off and I was able to get some air. It wasn't pretty.

Then, I had my afternoon "can't stay awake" fight with myself. And, around 2:30 the bellyache started coming on again. By evening, by belly was distended with gas like those old photos of children in Africa. It wasn't any fun at all. I was miserable the whole way home.

Mr. mouse made me a concoction of 1/2 tsp baking soda and 1 cup of water. It was gross, but our Alka-Seltzer had aspirin in it and I didn't have the energy to look up all of the other medications. Then, we went for a walk to drop off some library books.

I'm feeling a lot better this morning, but still not 100%. Hopefully today goes better than yesterday did.


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