Friday, October 03, 2008

10.03.08 (Week 8, Day 7): Week 9

Dear Friends and Family,

Just figured out the way the ultrasound machine counts weeks is different from everyone else. So, near as I can tell, we're starting week 9, month 3 tomorrow. Pain in my @$. That's okay. Mr. mouse is right. I should focus on what's important. Pioneer continues to do well. I continue to do well.

The embryo measures about 0.9 inches to 1.2 inches from crown to rump, or the size of a strawberry. The arms and legs are longer, and the fingers might be a little swollen where the touch pads are forming. The head is more erect and neck is more developed. Your baby now moves its body and limbs, and this movement can be visible during an ultrasound, but you won't be able to feel it yet.

Your uterus is continuing to grow, and you may begin to see your waistline thickening. But unless you tell people the good news, your pregnancy still won't be noticeable to others. Weight gain is still small, if at all, since you could be experiencing food aversions, cravings, heartburn, indigestion, nausea and bloating. Mood swings and weepiness similar to PMS symptoms are common, too.

Tip for the Week
Eat plenty of foods that contain calcium -- such as cheeses, sardines and broccoli -- to provide sufficient calcium for the development of your baby's teeth and bones.


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