Friday, October 17, 2008

10.17.08 (Week 10, Day 7): Week 11

Dear Friends and Family,

Just got back from our first official appointment. So far, Pioneer is doing well. Doctor isn't concerned about the bleeding or the carbotarian diet. We're going to do the first trimester screening in two weeks to find out if Pioneer is at risk for chromosomal abnormalities. Feeling good today. Learned the hard way last night, don't let the stomach get empty. It makes you feel miserable.

Your fetus, about the size of a large lime, measures about 1.75 to 2.4 inches from crown to rump and weighs about three-tenths of an ounce. About now the rapid "swooshing" noises of the heartbeat can be heard through a Doppler sound-wave stethoscope. Fingernails and external genitalia are showing distinguishing characteristics, and the baby is swallowing and kicking, although you still won't feel it.

Your uterus is almost big enough to fill your pelvis and may be felt in your lower abdomen. You may also experience changes in hair, skin, fingernails or toenails.

Tip for the Week
Don't ignore your dental hygiene during pregnancy. Floss and brush regularly, and make sure you see your dentist at least once in these nine months. Your gums may bleed more because of hormones during pregnancy and because of increased blood volume.


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